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Happy Tuesday everyone!

Today we have a huge update to go over (mostly) everything coming out for the month of July - and boy do we have a ton of stuff to preview. This won't be a complete list as I've left some spots open for some of the previously mentioned WIP updates, but also for some other unannounced stuff. Either way, I'm personally excited to dive into some of these upcoming releases!

But before we do, I want to thank you all for your continued support. I hope to continue to improve as we take finish this Moémon project, even though we still have a long way to go - by my estimates, we've completed over 300 Moémon since we started this project a year ago, not including Trainers, Regional variations, Megas, or Shiny versions. We still have over 500 to go, but I have confidence that it'll all be worth it in the end.

That said, I believe we will finish Season 3 (Hoenn) before October, including some of the unreleased Season 2 (Johto) cards. I don't want to rush it, so I gave myself enough time to finish all of it. But, if things go well, we'll finish even sooner.

Anyways, let's get into our previews for the month!

What's Next?

The theme for this month is Sand - meaning Deserts & Beaches! This means we'll be seeing a ton of Ground-Type & Water-Type Moémon, to fit the theme. Specifically, though, we just beat the Lavaridge Gym Leader, Flannery, and Brenda has given us a pair of Go-Goggles to traverse the Desert sandstorm of Route 111!

(Yes, I updated Sapphire/May JUST for this screenshot - I'll release her and two other versions in a few days)

The Desert of Route 111 is home to a couple of different species of Moémon including...

Sandshrew/Sandslash are another set that could use an update, including Sandslash's Mega Evolution, though I'm unsure I'll have time for their Alolan forms. Still, this is a simple "bonus" release just to bring them up to par. The Picnicker Trainer may be updated alongside this release.

Baltoy/Claydoll were going to come out much later, but I moved it up since it felt appropriate. Claydoll is going to require a shitload of accessories, I can already tell.

Cacnea/Cacturne were going to release with E4 Sydney, but I moved it up as well. Cacturne, particularly, is one of my favorites, so I'm excited to work on her.

Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon were also set to come out much later, but another set I'm excited to work on. Actually, I can't wait to do Trapinch.. she's so cute!

Along our travels, we'll come across the Mirage Tower, which holds the Root & Claw Fossils, which will give us Four new Fossil'mons!

I think between the pairs, Anorith & Armaldo would probably be the more popular set than Lileep/Cradily, so I figure we'd just release all four!

Our final stop on Route 111 is the mysterious Desert Ruins, where a slumbering titan awaits..

Regirock is our Legendary for the month, and I've already begun work on her. The three Regis recently received all-new sprites, which are a hell of an improvement over the older sprites, such as:

..Yeah. I held off on these specifically because I knew they were updating them.

Anyways, that's just the first half of the month.

I'll likely do another update mid-month to go over the second half, but the biggest release will be the Swimmers Rework, along with several Gen 2 Water-Type Moémon and some Gen 1 Reworks, including Corsola, Mantine, Remoraid/Octillery, Qwilfish, and several others.

The 5th Gym Leader will also be out this month.

Finally, the Gen 1 Legendary Pack has been pushed back a bit. I'd want it to be a final release, so I'm giving it extra scrutiny, particularly with the accessories/wing design, though we'll have to see if any new mod releases come out.

Anyways, there's a LOT more to come, but I think this post is getting a bit long. Look out for several reworks and extras to come this month.

That's all for now - Enjoy!


Previous Update can be found here!

June 4th - Gym Leader Dahlia & Electrike/Manectric!

June 5th - Grimer/Muk Rework!

June 8th - Spinda, Slugma/Magcargo, & Skarmory Rework!

June 11th - Barboach/Whiscash!

June 13th - Lotad, Lombre, & Ludicolo!

June 16th - Zangoose & Seviper!

June 19th - Team Magma Grunts!

June 22nd - Spoink & Grumpig!

June 24th - WIP Updates!

June 26th - Gym Leader Flannery, Numel/Camerupt, Torkoal!

June 28th - Legendary Rayquaza!



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