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May is here, alongside the Mudkip family!

There's a few decent May cards out there, but while none of them have ever satisfied me in terms of facial appearance, much credit must go to Evaan's coordinates and base overlays, which I utilized much of in this card. 

However, like usual, outside of the clothing overlays, almost nothing else is the same - I've almost entirely rearranged the hair accessories to be less intrusive, more organized, and more symmetrical, while also keeping them generally the same in style.

This was by far the most complex Trainer I've had to develop, even using a base card. Curse her hair for being so weird but also cute!

Also, I, uhh, I'm trying a new body/face type with this, with a larger head and slimmer body (to match her sprite), it should give her a very, well, youthful appearance.


Mudkip, Marshtomp & Swampert came out rather well, in all honesty. While I tried to stay true to the sprites with the outfits, I did have a little creative liberty with their cheeks. They each have a custom face overlay to give them little orange cheek pouches, and from there are various shapes used to create their orange gills. At first I wasn't sure if they would look good, but after a lot of work (seriously why was this so hard??) they came out really well.

All three have lots of overlap with their clothing, but they have lots more unique overlays with their main outfits - in particular, Mudkip and Marshtomp's kimono, Marshtomp's leggings, Swampert's leggings, and Marshtomp & Swampert's gloves. Just to name a few to look out for.

Additionally, unlike the sprites, I opted to create actual fins for them, using dual clam accessories, back-to-back. The sprites use ahageos and ribbons to mimic the fins, but I wanted to actually apply those "monster" features to them.

This is the cutest water family omg

Here are the cards:

Trainer May - https://files.catbox.moe/yy2gyf.png 

#258 Mudkip - https://files.catbox.moe/gjw1v1.png
#259 Marshtomp - https://files.catbox.moe/o616t1.png
#260 Swampert - https://files.catbox.moe/mxbxqi.png 



Hey everyone, quick emergency update!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Apocalypse! I just wanted to let you know that at the moment, there should be no disruptions in delivering content this month. I live in Southern California, but fortunately there have been no Coronavirus cases in my county, although there are a growing number in the Los Angeles county, which is near by, and it's likely there will be some in my area sooner rather than later. Still, operations continue as normal here, and I'll continue to update should anything get really bad here. I will say, I have developed a small cough today, but I have no other fever-y symptoms or anything, so I think it's just a dry throat.

Still, I hope you all are safe wherever you are - and I hope you all have toilet paper! I only have 3 rolls left, time to hunt some down tomorrow! I should be able to find some..

I hope.




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