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Credits for the custom sprite to KinectedWires!

Hex Maniac is a wildly popular trainer, of which I never really understood why, until I was making this card. She's psychotic and obsessive, and has BIG FAT TITTIES, so what's not to love?

First off, why is her name Valerie?

Well, Valerie is actually the only notable Hex Maniac in the Pokemon universe. She first appears in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, and while there are many Hex Maniacs in those games, she is the only one who can be repeatedly battled multiple times.

She also is the only notable Hex Maniac to appear in the manga, as seen here:

I think that justifies her chosen name in this instance. I want to develop her character more in the future, so consider this her rebirth into our Moemon universe.

Her outfits are based on both official artwork and unofficial, as seen here:

Her main outfit is based entirely on her official artwork. While I usually leave the "Going Home" slot alone and simply copy her "School Uniform" to that slot, I have modified her Going Home slot with accessories with some fun weapons and witch hat, as you can see in the 5th screenshot.

She has two Gym Uniforms, as you can see in the 3rd screenshot above. The one on the left is inspired by the picture above and is the default option, the other is original (with striped undies underneath) and included as a coordinate card at the bottom.

Then the Casual Clothes.

She has two Casual Clothes options, as you can see in the 4th screenshot above. The one on the left is the default and is inspired by the art above. The one on the right is an original and is included as a coordinate card at the bottom.

Finally, her Club outfit is based on this artwork here:

So cute.

Here are the cards!

Hex Maniac Valerie -  https://files.catbox.moe/yd2n6y.png 

Gym Uniform (Alt) -  https://files.catbox.moe/yc5ykd.png 

Casual Clothes (Alt) -  https://files.catbox.moe/au6na7.png 


(PS. This post took SOOO long to upload. While taking screenshots, I noticed several mistakes which required several edits, and when I finally went to upload, Patreon took a shit, and I had to rewrite everything again. Then Patreon failed AGAIN. But we're good now.)



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