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As you tread through the woods, in the chill of the foggy night, you hear whispers in the distance - and then laughter. As you wander through the fog, you see glimpses of violet flames flicker fade in and out as they pass you by. It starts to rain. As the fog thickens, and the whispers and laughter grow louder, a flash of lightning lights up the sky above, and draws your attention upwards to the looming tower of Lavender Town.

A girl appears before you and stares blankly. Lost in the woods, you think to yourself. As you open your mouth to speak, and reach out your hand toward her, she begins to float before your eyes, and the violet flames coalesce around her.

Gastly only smiles before she fades away into the fog.

As you move closer to the tower, a whispering, "Haaaaunntttt..." can be heard around you. You stop and look at the surrounding foliage, the thick brush and trees make it hard to see anything, especially at the dead of night. As you continue forward, however, you are stopped in your tracks by a sudden apparition lunging toward you. You manage to dodge it's grasp, just barely, but as you turn to meet your fate, it had vanished into nothing.

Haunter will surely be back.

As you make your approach to the tower, you stand before the threshold where only total darkness lingers before you. Swallowing your last bit of fear, you take your first step up the stairs until a cackling laughter from the darkness stops you in your tracks.

Gengar has been waiting for you - and her sisters Gastly and Haunter are behind, ready to consume your essence.

But while you suffer the fate of all who dare tread upon the tower of Lavender, another laugh can be heard - this time, from above. As you are surrounded on all sides by the violet spirits, you look up and see, sitting on the tower, another figure - though you can't quite make it out.

She stares back at you, motionless. Her eyes glow red, and upon her forehead, a third eye glows yellow. And as your vision fades to black, the last thing you see is a large, sinister smile appear on her face.


Happy Tuesday, everyone!

It feels shitty not uploading anything the past 2 days. It certainly feels longer than that. But, you'll be happy to know I managed to get a lot of stuff worked on this weekend, which should ensure things go smoothly from here on. Having PC issues and THEN getting mildly sick was not helpful at all.

But we're back.

And as you can see above, we have FOUR Moemon cards for you today, which happen to by some of my all-time favorite, ever since Gen 1. If any of you played back then, you'll know that there were really only 2 Ghost Pokemon that anyone would usually see, Gastly and Haunter, since you needed a friend to get Gengar. Well, I had that friend, and I had my Gengar! Not to rub it in :P

Gastly is an adorable, frightening little chil- I mean, consenting adult. The only thing I feel is unfortunate, is not being able to replicate her purple "gastly" flames. Simply not possible, afaik, but in Studio it totally is.

Haunter was even better. If you recall, I actually previewed Haunter awhile back during the Kadabra release. No, I wasn't holding her off until now, that was simply a mock-job done quickly. Her new model/face/outfit is much better.

Gengar also came out really well, imo, and has a bit of her own personality, being a prankster (as seen in the anime), she has a bit of a harleyquinn/clown look to her. Although I didn't want to go FULL clown mode (we DO have a Clown Moemon coming up, if you don't remember.. Okay, well, more like a Mime), I kept her largely in line with a more sinister-clown-look, like her previous evolution.

Then there's Mega Gengar. There are no sprites available for her, so I just made up something original - and she came out fantastic, imo. I did something a bit different, where for the first time I changed her skin color to be the same as her art, since I think it just came out looking better.. You be the judge of that.

Oh, and yes, they all have full outfits, and all of them have Shiny versions except Mega Gengar. You can also grab the scene used for the screenshots above, but be warned - it's laggy as hell. Be careful about the Effects folder, too, since the fog has been edited in the material editor to have the "steam" part of the fog removed, and it resets itself VERY easily (by turning on/off, copying, etc).

Anyway, here are the cards!

Gastly -  https://files.catbox.moe/zp33rs.png 

Haunter - https://files.catbox.moe/e9s7qd.png 

Gengar - https://files.catbox.moe/c8260f.png 

Mega Gengar - https://files.catbox.moe/tiatq0.png 

Shiny Gastly -  https://files.catbox.moe/w5rht7.png 

Shiny Haunter - https://files.catbox.moe/qva99r.png 

Shiny Gengar - https://files.catbox.moe/qclnaq.png 

Lavender Tower (Scene) -  https://files.catbox.moe/boqenb.png 

That's not quite all for this event - we have a special trainer coming up soon, and Thursday is a continuation of this Event - next time we go inside, and you may have an idea of what awaits us there!

Stay tuned for that, but otherwise, enjoy for now!



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