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I hope this message finds you well. Although I must admit it's not my proudest. It's been a challenging process, and I wish it could be better.

Animation can be exciting, but compared to comics, I find it consumes too much of my time for very little return. Mother's Day is around the corner, and I have so much to do. I wouldn't want to delay another month for just a few more animated gifs.

This project will be put on hold until further request. Accessible to all tier, Images are in this link

Thank you for your patience and continued encouragement. To make it up, I've decided to put up 2 Comics; 5$ tier(DMC04) 10$(NTR) to commemorate the upcoming mother's day.



j quaid

These are incredible


ntr about who?could be chief mei?

Kevin Ducharme

the first 2 posters basically said it all, can't really add anything more to that.

BA Baracus

can somebody upload it to a different service than Dropbox? I can't download it from there.. :(

Mat Ludeni

I definitely prefer comics, but WOW, amazing work, everything looks incredible. And Jasmine is definitely my favorite character and I would love to see more materials with her.

琦 孔



dropbox says empty

Aitneics Singi

sorry scarlet. but the dropbox said empty

John M. Thomas

Did anyone else get an empty dropbox?




I reuploaded, Kindly access again to the link :) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/2j3ilr87svyeuufd0x7fc/ACLI1R1NB3d8XDGlm4TsrA4?rlkey=wpas5s61ga1fjmjyiw0uiar5d&st=diqiuot3&dl=0