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Person of Interest Season 2 Episode 2 Bad Code


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Bad Code- I really love this episode too! Root is most definitely a very fascinating character, and a formidable foe. I love that we get to see Root's backstory, showing us how she comes to be who she is now. And I love how we learn that her real name is Samantha Groves, and that Root turns out to be the other young girl who was close friends with Hannah, who was tragically killed by the scumbag who kidnapped and murdered her. It took me a little longer than you to suspect that Samantha might be Root, and not the missing girl like Reese believed until Carter tells him what really happened in the end. But I believe I did come to the same conclusion just before the big reveal that Hannah was sadly dead. The whole backstory for both Hannah and Root, is very sad. While Samantha grows up to become Root, she did care about Hannah, and tried to help her when she witnessed her getting into the car with the man who soon kills her. And I especially feel bad for Samantha when the librarian lady yells at her and warns her to keep her mouth shut. Shame on that woman for being so blind and cruel towards Samantha, and for allowing Hannah to die just because she loved the man she covered up for. I've seen Justified too. I watched that show some time ago, but yes... I certainly remember this actress from Justified too. She was absolutely crazy. Margo Martindale is a great actress, whom I've seen in a number of shows and movies too. And I am happy she made a guest starring appearance here in Person of Interest too. And yes... Of course Reese has to fight off several guys in a bar again, which happens quite often. People hate being intimidated by, or answering questions to people they believe to be cops, FBI, etc... And Reese is very intimidating. As for Reese being able to save Finch two episodes in... I love that he does so, and there's definitely reasons for him doing so. Besides, if Finch remained Root's prisoner for several more episodes, then Reese wouldn't be able to focus on saving anyone else, and saving people is the main idea behind this show. So, it's a good thing Reese has saved Finch now. I absolutely love Reese's and Finch's friendship. And I love that the both of them would do anything to keep one another safe. And now... Bear has joined our little team as well, and Finch has a little getting used to this cutie for sure. Carter is great throughout this episode too. I love how well she handles hers and Reese's whole investigation into Hannah's disappearance while they continue their search for Finch and Root. Also... Hersch most certainly shouldn't have underestimated Fusco. Fusco winds up getting one up on this new threat to our team. Which is sad for Fusco that people often underestimate him just because of how he looks or because of his reputation. However, Hersch is smart, and he's still looking for the "Man in the Suit" for Special Counsel. And Reese is still unaware of him. Not good. And lastly... Denton Weeks is now the second government official of the eight people who know about the Machine to die, after Alicia Corwin. He was clearly smart to get to where he had, but he was certainly foolish to underestimate Root too. I'm happy that Root saves Finch, and then quickly kills Denton Weeks so she can continue on with her plans. Unfortunately, Special Counsel is still around with Hersch as his ally. And Special Counsel also is one of the government officials who knows about the Machine. Not good. Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction for Person of Interest, Jay! I can't wait for more reactions from you for this phenomenal show! Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi