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My Little Pony Season 2 Episode 25.mp4



Yessss, here we go! God, I love this finale

Jeff Spencer

little easter egg for this episode the scene where cadence made the 2 pony's fall in love introduces wildfire (pony with the flaming tire cutie mark) who is the OC of sabrina one of the story board artists of the show. now as for this episode even to this day I am so upset with that ending with her brother, friends and mentor. seriously for a show on friendship how could they just turn there back on her like that not one even asked why or even tried to comfort her no they all just basically said screw you your wrong now screw off while we go comfort the horrible pony you tried to warn us about. great reaction loved the thinking and those facial expressions can't wait to see what you think of the rest of the finale.

Noel Schornhorst

I can get Shining Armor, Twilight's friends, and even Celestia in turning their backs to Twilight, but yes, ideally, there probably should have been more to Cadance's rebuttal of Twilight's accusations. The one I don't get, however, (aside from plot convenience) is Spike. He shows multiple times throughout the series that of everyone, he's the one who has the strongest ties to Twilight. Yes, there's bickering, but they have a bond neither share with anyone else. If the point of this whole thing wasn't to show Twilight persevering even at her lowest point, there'd be absolutely no reason for Spike to turn from her-- he wasn't even all that involved in the preparations!

Jeff Spencer

I totally forgot about him yeah that was so frustrating seriously twilight is like a mother/sister to him of all the ponies he knows her best and even he abandoned her


It's not like Twilight just burst into the rehearsal screaming about how evil Cadance is with nothing but random accusations that are either easily seen as blowing a bit of stress on Cadance's part out of proportion, or are quickly given fully plausible alternatives to her accusation of what they mean after having spent days saying she doesn't want the wedding to happen and having been clearly upset about it before she even found out Cadance was the Bride or anything like that which leads to the far more likely outcome of everyone seeing her as being the bitch who simply has it out for anyone who dares sully her precious BBBFF by trying to marry him or anything...... No, their response was fully justified. Twilight had zero evidence of anything actually being wrong, what few things she did bring up that were odd had explanations to them, and just the night before she went on a rant about how much she dislikes Cadance while the other Mane 6 rebutted all of these same accusations. She's been pissed off and angry about this wedding since before they got to Canterlot, and then made a giant scene. Yeah this is a clear time to tell her to knock it the buck off and go chill out. Yes, WE know she's right, because we see what she did, nopony else has seen this, without that Twilight comes off like a jealous sister just trying to ruin her brothers wedding by any means necessary.


Oh that ending.... Twilight Sparkle gets dragged down through fiery portal to hell.... cue happy theme music!