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My Little Pony Season 2 Episode 22 Hurricane Fluttershy.mp4



Had a shitty day, needed some dumb cute ponies, thanks ^^


The two purplish mares with the wild manes are Flitter and her sister Cloudchaser (I have no idea which is which), and the muscular white stallion is Bulk Biceps (also known as Snowflake in some fan works). He's notable for his tiny wings relative to his body size, leading to the idea that he flies through sheer determination. Blossomforth, the watermelon-maned mare also got some screentime, with her "flexibility" being one of the main things she's known for. Often this sort of one-time sight gag or curious background activity become the driving force behind the fan characterization of the background ponies. If A Friend In Deed is one of the iconic Pinkie Pie episodes, this is one of the quintessential Fluttershy ones. Her struggle towards self-improvement is a major theme of this season, and I particularly like that they don't take the route of radical change, instead opting for more incremental growth. Overcoming your weaknesses is hard, and dedication matters far more than pinning everything on a single moment of transcendental self-discovery. Incidentally, I think you're right in that the training montage is meant to reflect the Rocky franchise.


Adderbane covered a lot of things nicely. I did manage to put together a few notes though. *** There was a joke that called back to a season 1 episode in which Fluttershy said she'd like to be a tree, and in this episode she is disguised as a tree. Likely done because the fandom made Fluttertree a meme. *** Muscle horse is named Bulk Biceps. Adderbane mentioned Snowflake as a fan name, and there was also Horse Power and Roid Rage. Obviously some of those names couldn't be used by the show. *** It should be noted that Thunderlane (mohawk pegasus) was one of the top flyers until he got sick. *** The crazy-haired pegasus was Cloud Chaser, the more normal-maned one was Flitter. *** Good to see you noticed Angel being supportive. As much of a nuisance as he is, he DOES tend to be very caring of Fluttershy if she's got a good reason to be upset. Not much else to say about this one. Just a good episode all around.


there is one thing about this episode which i don't unterstand. they establish how important this event is, its not just for show, but Equestria depends on it (?). ok now, the event is running, but its gonna fail, which would be a disaster. so... spitfire (the wonderbolt) ... you gonna help us out here? could be important... nope. i know, some will say, its a competition of the cities or so, but there was no hope for a record or anything like that. and again, the beginning of the episode made it super important.

Noel Schornhorst

I'm thinking there are contingencies if the local teams can't get their reservoir water up to Cloudsdale, but not only is it a matter of pride for Ponyville, but it's probably a hassle for those who have to make things up. Spitfire probably would help if asked, but she likely won't interfere unless it's requested or the local team gives up.

Tamara Burt

Spike does know what happened. He saw what he had done and become incredibly upset about it, with Rarity encouraging him. The ponies knew Spike KNOWS about his greed-induced growth and that it had upset him, so they don't want to bring it up.


One of the best eps of the season and the show, this one really proved that the characters do learn and do grow over time, it's just slow and realistic. For all this is the season of RD being a jerk, it's balanced by this episode showing her at her best. Realizing the direct, confrontational approach she takes with most ponies doesn't work with Fluttershy and trying to reason with her, accepting that Fluttershy doesn't want to do it, and just being overall supportive and encouraging throughout. RD wants to be the best, true, but she's the good kind of that character type, she doesn't want to push others down, she wants to be the best she can be, and wants others to also be their best. And we also see that she is one hell of a group leader and amazing at motivating others to push harder. Yeah I love this ep. Also trivia that hasn't been pointed out, Twilight's "Do I look like I talk to squirrels?" line was a joke about Tara Strong, her VA, who also voiced Bubbles from PPG, who could talk to squirrels.