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Hey guys, this is a exclusive request for Patron SoreDakeNoKoto.  I never heard of it before but it is on Netflix and I was blown away with how much I enjoyed it.  I highly recommend checking it out!


(No title)



Yoooo, had no idea you'd already started! Let me try to answer your questions (the ones I remember anyways), and try to balance that against not dropping any spoilers: - In this episode, Excellent Era (EE) just won one match of the regular season (I think this is the 7th round of the season) not the Championship. They've actually been slipping for some years now. Their 3-time Championship was at the very start of the League, 8 years back -- they won for 3 consecutive years. Ye Qiu has been around since that beginning, so tons of experience not just mechanical skill. - As you already saw, he refuses to show his face which doesn't help at all with sponsorship, pissing off investors, but it's not because he's a purist "only-for-the-game" type, you'll find out why eventually - The Tiny Herb girl didn't hesitate. Not sure but I think she was just trying to aim, it's not significant at all to the plot anyways. - Yes, the girl speaking with Ye Qiu is Su Mucheng, a.k.a Dancing Rain. She's an old friend. - That kid was Ye Qiu's best friend and he designed the weapon all those years back, not long before Ye Qiu joined EE. There are 24 classes in total, and 120 under-Level-20 skills in total between these classes. The weapon lets a player use any of these 120 skills **without having to worry about the long cooldown period associated with switching weapons**. For instance, to switch from using Battle Mage skills to using Launcher skills, you would usually need to, say, swap your spear for a gun from your inventory. But you can't do another swap for the next few seconds (the cooldown period), which much reduces the usefulness of being able to swap weapons when you need to. You'd also need to carry weapons from all classes on you, which makes you pretty heavy and as you'd expect, reduces your speed. But Ye Qiu's weapon gets around all this, you'll see how :-)


(Splitting this because the spam filter's being a dick) - The current level cap is Level 70. Ye Qiu just started on the new Server (10th Server) which just launched as Lord Grim. He'll be starting from Level 1 just like everyone else there, but he was able to transfer his data from the 1st server (where he started all those years back. There's a new server launched every year) which gave him access to that weapon, the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella. - The Level 20 limitation on his skills is actually imposed by his character class -- or rather, his lack of one. He declined to pick a class, if you rewatch that part, so he'll be playing "Unspecialized". In order to use skills from above Level 20, a player must pick a class. This is why very few players, if any, still play as Unspecialized: Even though you have access to frigging 120 skills across all classes, the damage from these skills is much lower than that from, say, level 50 skills, as you'd expect. And you still have to contend with the issue of switching weapons manually mid-battle to make use of those 120 skills and speed is key here. You'd very likely get wrecked every time. - There're no clear over-arching bad guys really, at least not among the other teams. That's one of the major things that drew me into the show, everyone's just here to compete, (mostly) in good faith, even the mean-faced looking guys :D All for the Glory. If there's any bad guys, it would be maybe the manager dude (Tao Xuan) who just kicked him out, though it's easy to see where he's coming from - When I started the show myself, I hadn't (and still haven't) played any RPGs at all, in fact, I'm not much of a gamer really. Just some random Netflix recommendation from hell-knows-what decision tree, but the whole thing gripped me from the start, even if I didn't always understand all them in-game terms. But with some patience, I was alright eventually, and they didn't get terribly technical, like say, MOBAs. (Btw, you got the translation right, the username roughly means "that's all there is to it", pronounce it however you like lol) I very much hope you liked it enough to continue!


Oh, and I forgot to mention: - you can skip the intro and outro as you said, to avoid spoilers. I think you'd deduce quite a lot if you watched them. - Ye Qiu just retired, and the rules say he can't play in the League for a year after that. He also won't be getting any money since he terminated his contract that way, he wasn't getting paid all that much anyways