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They spent a while daydreaming about the Gala in various episodes. That's probably what you're remembering. Ulimately MLP is more episodic than serial, though some arcs do exist (this episode is also a rare exception to having a two-part, larger story for premieres and finales). The true strength of the show is in the characters and the exploration of the friendships between them. It lends itself to more slice-of-life stories than grand adventure. While there is a kind of attractive simplicity to the first season, I think most people would agree that season 2 is where the show really found its groove. Personally, I think 4-6 is the high point of the series.


And that's a wrap! Season one is done and dusted. You enjoyed it enough to keep going, and I have a feeling the show is going to reward your patience. Now that season one is done, I can say this was a season all about who's who, a bit of what they can do, and the revelation of some of their hopes and dreams. For example, we know Twilight absolutely idolizes Princess Celestia, and one of her driving motivations is trying to make the princess proud of her. For Rainbow Dash, she idolizes the Wonderbolts, and has been trying to join for ages. She managed to impress them during the Young Fliers Competition, but they didn't seem overly awed at the Gala. Rarity clearly wants to be famous, and seen as more than just a "small town girl." She has her shop, and has caught the attention of a few high-profile ponies. But then we have Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack. Pinkie... loves to party. I'm not sure her life goal has been revealed yet. Fluttershy loves animals... but is that a goal? And Applejack is all about her family. I guess she takes care of Granny Smith and Apple Bloom. Is that all she wants in life, though? I really can't say much about upcoming seasons without there being at least some level of spoiler. So I'll just make some predictions: 1 - You'll find season 2 more interesting that season 1. 2 - Your eventual favorite character hasn't even been revealed yet. 3 - You'll eventually learn the names of some of the background ponies and pick a favorite. 4 - You'll finally learn the theme song. 5 - You'll start to care a lot more about the characters over time. And that's it. One season down, eight more to go. (And several movies).


3:20 The blue pony WHAT???

Brony Time

Well i did it. End of season one.


The big epic musical number was a inspired by the musical Into the Woods, I know some theater nerds who lost it at hearing this. And now we have the final one of the 'other Mane 6' to be introduced, the 6 most popular and most liked background ponies that get the majority of the fanworks, the grey, bowtied cellist mare named Octavia. From this one appearnce, and that five second clip of Vinyl Scratch, the two have been paired together more then any two ponies save Lyra and Bon-Bon.