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Wanted you to know, I'm still being in this fandom, although the series has already ended, because I'm still a sparity fan. So will keep going until I fell I don't have more inspiration. So thanks a lot for your support all this time, and hope at least few of you will continue supporting me regardless no more seassons will be comming. Sparity forever!



Sean Jackson

And we will always be here for you and the Sparity. Thank you Pia-chan for everything you do.


love it 🐲❤🦄


I’ll be here for you. I’ll always be a fan of your art..

Dragon Turtle

At least Spike got buff and big-chinned enough to decently fit your art style.


True love never dies, and it's a pleasure to be supporting you no matter what. It's a shame many people weren't a fan of sparity, but it's been great to have seen you keep that relationship between the two strong through your art. Lets see what the future holds. :)