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  • WIP 13.mp4



Hey guys. The middle of the month is the best time for a WIP post, right? For those who joined my Patreon recently (thanks for that, btw) this is my way of showing you some of the animations that you'll get at the end of the month. And to make it informative and not boring, I do it in the format of a music video. You just need to download the video in the attachment to this post.

For spoiler fans: a new stage for a hot tub, a new stage of Just Physical (anal this time) and 'm incredibly glad to resume work on Pure Hedonism again. So, I made the most logical animation for this sequence - second deepthroat. Why? Two objective reasons: come on, who doesn't love a deepthroat, right? (I can almost hear most of my audience doing a facepalm now, but whatever lol) And this is Hedonism, so there is no logic here but only horny vibes. Each of the animations is complex, long, detailed - everything is as you like.

Of course it's not all animations this month and there will be something else by the end of the month.

So, download the video from attachment at the bottom of this page and enjoy the show (for music lovers - Timebomb by Blind Channel)

The animation update will be at the end of the month.





He´s a show-off 😏 Great again, thank you. Top notch the way you always spoil us. ✨


Thanks Ardled, finally I can do it: *puts a check mark in the 'Successfully spoiling patrons in November'*


Thanks again for the song title!! I was just thinking the other day if Pure Hedonism was going to get any more sequences so this was a pleasant surprise 😁


yeah, my original plan was to finish the work on Out of Plans and continue with Hedonism. Because of the summer gap this take a while, but better late than never, lol


I tried really, REALLY hard not to make a response to the above accusations made against you, but those comments really annoyed me, so, I just want to say, GreyNaya, that I love your creations and the fun they bring to my game. Keep doing what you're doing. I will say to those who feel slighted by your choice of creations that they can find other animations made by other creators. For my gay sims in my game I use two other creators' animations. Those animations, of course, aren't quite the same quality as yours, GreyNaya, but they serve my game well. So, thank you for what you do ... the quality of your animations are really beautiful.


Thanks for the nice words. I got used to from time to time haters come and say something about me or my work and honestly, it doesn't even spoil the mood. Just because it's not true and my conscience is clear. If I were a rape lover, racist, misogynist, homophobic, fascist, and there was probably something else that I won't remember, such accusations could be stressful I guess. But since I know about myself that none of these points apply to me - these people are just wasting their time to nothing. But I'm really happy to know that there are much more people like you than toxic ones who appreciate and love what I do. It means a lot, so thank you again.

Jay Dubb

Wow, that Soraya person is really entitled lol. You keep doing you Grey your easily the best as always! I don't understand why they can't understand that it's your choice to work on what you want/enjoy...


She's not the first and not the last unfortunately, lol. But it doesn't affect my workflow or creativity in any way.


There are two types of people in this world. Thankful ones and the unthankful ones. And you are one of the unthankful type. If you read through everything you should be at least thanking me for trying to stand up to your NOW FIANCEE. She was rude to the creator and insulted him. I came in and tried to take her side. This is the thanks for it? I have to recover from what I'm suffering from????


You talk to me like you don't own any dictionary. Look up the word "insult" before you use it in any sentence.