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Kayleigh O'Gordon shoot finished!
This is the first NPC shoot I've done where the set had more accessories than me XD
The fabulous ladies of the newly made official Mahou Photo (Char and Gina) did so much to make this set happen, about 75% of the things on that worktable are from them...honestly half is from Gina's usual decor XD
I can't thank them enough for both the photos and the amazing evening with friends ❤️

I'm almost done editing these and AHHHH can't wait to share, I think this is the best NPC shoot yet!


My POV during the shoot, such a good view ❤️ Can you spot the kitty helper?
Selfie time with Mahou Photo founders Gina and Char
The setup, in Gina's fabulous dining room.
My POV during the shoot, such a good view ❤️ Can you spot the kitty helper?
Selfie with the set up, so many little things!
Back of camera preview!



oh look some of my fav peoples