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Lemme know how this reads, I really don’t wanna explicitly write “no SA” in my goofy little book. Just discourage it.



Frank M

You could perhaps more clearly differentiate more between LL2 and LL3? I feel like LL2 is more "You're character's are gonna do sex stuff, but it's not really expected that you're going to go on an extended tanget describing the sex scene." As opposed to LL3, where the tangent is the point. (That is, the difference is in the level of detail expected from sex scenes, rather than just how often sex scenes occur) Like, the difference between: Player: "Saucy Sally purses her lips, sashays over up to the guard, and offers to blow them if they let us through." GM: "Ok yea, they're into it. Sally disappears into the guard house. Go ahead and roll... Ok Sally comes out a few minutes later, looking a bit of a mess. You get through the gate." Or "Player: "Saucy Sally purses her lips, sashays over up to the guard, and offers to blow them if they let us through." GM: "Ok yea, they're into it. The guards lead Sally into the guard house." Player: "Sally gets down on her knees in front of the one with the biggest bulge and pulls out his johnson..." ect ect But maybe that's just my perception. :P


"If you want CNC at your table after talking it out, sure, but there isn't really mechanical support for it."


It reads well to me. The tldr version I get from this is: sex happens, we ignore it to fight; sex happens, so does combat; sex happens, why are you concerned with the Blood cult when my cock is large enough to have its own church


I think the way levels are explained is perfect. It's the usual: Combat - Adventure and Combat - Adventure. And a reminder to have everyone on the same page of both consent and expected direction gameplay will go and develop, to avoid frustrations. I think the way the disclamer is presented is a bit odd: 1- See to rearrange how the composition of the text is. Maybe put the disclaimer a bit lower/more spaced, just so it doesnt look as another point in the list of levels at a glance. 2- I think it's important to set a standart for how encounters should work, while giving a reminder that the world is just a setting and what heppens in it is up to what you pre-arrange with the players and DM. But putting the part "Vice & Violence is a place of fun, ..." at the end feels weird, like you are banning the "extra themes" to be explored. Maybe putting that bit at the start of the paragraph and then saying "... But if you'd like to explore..." would work better. so it ends like: "Remember: Vice & Violence is a world of fun, casual and consenting sexual partners. But if you'd like to explore themes beyond the scope of this squishy, slapstick fantasy world, have a clear and respectful conversation with your players beforehand."


Gotta pop in and say i love the little lobster lookin dude, need more of him


My only criticism is that my brain had no idea what order to read the speech bubbles in.

Christopher Chinn

I really appreciate your noting the consent part.


Yeah i think that reads clearly. Any one with an ounce of cop on gets what you mean, and anyone without is generally not gonna no matter what you do.


"Peak physical fitness". Dude, you look like she could squeeze between her thighs and you would just disappear. Or perhaps that's exactly what you want.


Nice!I just hope when V&V is fully fleshed out rulebook wise? if I should call it that. I can find a no kink shaming group who are comfortable with this game to actually enjoy the lewd entertainment of it's whacky setting LOL

Sean @SpireAshen

It could be a good idea to have a section on common safety tools, lines and veils, traffic lights, the x card, etc