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March 2024 Librarium Animated Poll

  • Polluted Water Elemental by Pyberspace 11
  • Unknown by Tashy 4
  • Shuten Doji by Steve Fox 10
  • Demonic Lamb by Rob 8
  • Envy by Rob 6
  • Gluttony By Rob 7
  • Greed by Rob 7
  • Lust by Rob 10
  • Sleipnir, the Noble Steed by KrimsonKatt 3
  • Sky Tyrant Flux by KrimsonKatt 6
  • Terracotta Rex by ShineyBlueDragon 4
  • Goliath by MetaChasers 3
  • Highschool student Katana Warrior by ramencook 2
  • Wretch - The Wicked By Moderner Dadaismus 2
  • Legendary Knight King Archial by Ryf 4
  • Dragon Slayer by Steven 6
  • Warrior Sultan Yusef by James Marion 1
  • Thovor - King of Eternal Age by Moderner Dadaismus 3
  • Mecha Jailer by KrimsonKatt 3
  • Son Wukong, the Monkey God by KrimsonKatt 4
  • Baron Ozma, the Meteor Slayer by KrimsonKatt 9
  • Prism Midoria (Space Dragon) by ShineyBlueDragon 6
  • Xiao Guarian of the Crystalline Forest! 3
  • DrachMondres The SoulSeeker by ShineyBlueDragon 4
  • Egyptian Goddess Bastet by ShineyBlueDragon 15
  • 2024-03-03
  • —2024-03-31
  • 141 votes
{'title': 'March 2024 Librarium Animated Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Polluted Water Elemental by Pyberspace', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Unknown by Tashy', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Shuten Doji by Steve Fox', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Demonic Lamb by Rob', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Envy by Rob', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Gluttony By Rob', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Greed by Rob', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Lust by Rob', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Sleipnir, the Noble Steed by KrimsonKatt', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Sky Tyrant Flux by KrimsonKatt', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Terracotta Rex by ShineyBlueDragon', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Goliath by MetaChasers', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Highschool student Katana Warrior by ramencook', 'votes': 2}, {'text': ' Wretch - The Wicked By Moderner Dadaismus', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Legendary Knight King Archial by Ryf', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Dragon Slayer by Steven', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Warrior Sultan Yusef by James Marion', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Thovor - King of Eternal Age by Moderner Dadaismus', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Mecha Jailer by KrimsonKatt', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Son Wukong, the Monkey God by KrimsonKatt', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Baron Ozma, the Meteor Slayer by KrimsonKatt', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Prism Midoria (Space Dragon) by ShineyBlueDragon', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Xiao Guarian of the Crystalline Forest!', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'DrachMondres The SoulSeeker by ShineyBlueDragon', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Egyptian Goddess Bastet by ShineyBlueDragon', 'votes': 15}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 31, 15, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 3, 15, 10, 39, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 141}


Good Morning! 

Here is the suggestion pool for the March 2024 Librarium Animated roster!


Polluted Water Elemental by Pyberspace

This once-majestic elemental lord is suffering from exposure to industrial waste and garbage. Its broad, powerful body is made of brackish water with streaks of iridescent oil. Its vaguely human face is twisted in anger, and its huge fists are coated in scraps of metal and other junk.

Unknown by Tashy

An unknown Creature

Shuten Doji by Steve Fox

An oni with long and fiery-red hairs, with horns and a big gourd on his back. He's known as "drunken demon", his skin is almost red (your choice, you are the drawer XD), he's muscular and has a big necklace with big beads.

Demonic Lamb by Rob

An evil lamb with 7 eyes and 7 horns, walking on two legs, wearing a dark cloak.

Envy by Rob

Envy, one of the seven deadly sins. A green vicious female demon general.
Reference ->

Gluttony By Rob

Gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins. An orange fat male demon general with an extra mouth.
Reference ->

Greed by Rob

Greed, one of the seven deadly sins. A yellow small mean male demon general.
Reference ->

Lust by Rob

Lust, one of the seven deadly sins. An attractive pink female demon general.
Reference ->

Sleipnir, the Noble Steed by KrimsonKatt

The legendary 8 legged horse of Odin, king of the Aesir. (norse gods) Possesses white skin, a shimmering blue and purple mane, a massive golden unicorn horn that is more like a blade than a horn, 4 rainbow colored angel wings, a shimmering blue and purple horse tail, and golden armored hooves. Is light elemental and of course has the 8 legs it's famous for, 4 on each side. Here is an image: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bravefrontierglobal/images/c/c5/Unit_ills_full_50063.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20140930012329

Sky Tyrant Flux by KrimsonKatt

A massive winged creature that's like a mix between a hippogriff and a hippocampus. Has a horse-like head, 4 wind elemental wings, and a fish/mermaid tail with pretty sparkling scales. Has 4 legs and 2 insect-like arms. Is both water and wind elemental in appearance and is very alien-looking with many eyes and it's main body covered in white fur. Can use his attacks "Flood Wave" and "Storm Wave" to deal water or wind elemental damage while draining all party member's HP or MP. He can also use "Health Shaver" and "Soul Shaver" to reduce the party's max HP and AP. Make his design creative and unique and feel free to take whatever creative liberties you need as long as it still fits the horse+eagle+mermaid/fish design I'm looking for. As for Flux' story, he was once a friend of Rheap and Zaful (previous battlers I made) from a distant world where after working together to overthrow their worlds tyrannical overlord, disagreed on the direction to take their world politically, a world of order, a world of freedom, or a world of strength. Their fighting eventually caused the downfall of their world, and many years later their malevolence reincarnated as tyrants, extremely powerful monsters formed by the discarded energy of dead worlds. Weather or not these three friends will reunite and join forces once more in their new bodies is still unclear...

Mecha Jailer by KrimsonKatt

Mecha Jailer: A brown and gold robot with 6 arms, 5 of them each with a different weapon and one with a large bird cage. Used for capturing criminals and returning them to the Morda Vael government to be judged.

Son Wukong, the Monkey God by KrimsonKatt

Son Wukong, the Monkey God: A god-like monkey made out of stone and wielding a extending magick stick. Is light elemental and is practically immortal, having gained immortality four times over and is said to be stronger than all the aeons combined. He’s so immortal in fact that after a period of time where he waged war against Elysium the kingdom of the aeons, the aeons stuck him in a boiling pot that could kill even immortal beings. Yet, Son Wukong survived due to the immortal-killing pot only killing ONE of his immortality charges. The only reason he hasn’t destroyed the world yet is the binding seal headband placed on his head that heavily limits his powers. The only one able to beat Wukong at full power is the creator herself, Barbello.

Baron Ozma, the Meteor Slayer by KrimsonKatt

An imposing armored figure wearing black armor with green glowing highlights as well as a demonic helmet with massive horns. Masks his heavily disfigured face at all times to hide his identity and wields the Ars Solaris, a legendary sword which he stole from Koros and his allies to use in his quest for world domination. In Ozma’s hands, the Ars Solaris transforms into a massive black and green greatsword similar to Guts’ sword from Berserk.

Prism Midoria (Space Dragon) by ShineyBlueDragon

A Giant gorgeous space dragon-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/227431849923683158/

Xiao Guarian of the Crystalline Forest!

A Large Guardian creature-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/19984792089095383/

DrachMondres The SoulSeeker by ShineyBlueDragon

A space Fairy/Dragon Monster hybrid, a soul seeker, leading departed ones away from their souls to steal. Neither identifies as good or evil. Very Large in size, and flies gracefully through the air. It's first attack, Whip crack, where to whips it's massive tail at the players team, 2nd attack Space Spore attack, where it furiously beats it wings unleashing a massive amount of colorful, but deadly spores upon the player, and the Ultimate attack is Space Meteor shower.-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/249246160682026486/

Egyptian Goddess Bastet by ShineyBlueDragon

The Feline Cat Goddess Bastet, Standing as tall as Anubis with 3 cats following her (each a different color). and wielding a golden staff. 1st attack is with her staff, 2nd attack is where she commands her 3

cat minions to attack, 3 attack is where she summons a huge collection of cat spirits both big and small, of multiple breeds and types such as Lions, Tigers, Lynx and so on. The spirits Cats all charge and explode on the player. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/541346817723500822/

Terracotta Rex by ShineyBlueDragon

An enormous mountain rex-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/103653228916246848/

Goliath by MetaChasers

Goliath from the story of David versus Goliath. A Philistine giant. He has a long thin spear and also a sword. He could be holding the spear and could his sword could be sheathed in his belt. His Armor should be yellowish or gold colored. Should be wearing like a plated skirt type bottom, similar to Romans and Greek Warriors.

Highschool student Katana Warrior by ramencook

They wear modern school uniforms and fight with oriental weapons such as swords and blunt weapons.

Wretch - The Wicked By Moderner Dadaismus

Formerly an commoner, seeking for power to overcome his weakness as a mere human.
He got his hands on a spell, which bounds a curse within its user, to overcome mortality and to gain an open door to master the power of the death.
It is a painful procedure, since it slowly transforms you into your undead form, hence you suffer from unbelievable pain and unstability, tearing on your flesh and inner organs.
As he casted the spell to curse on his humanity, he slowly undergoes his transformation into his new undead, skeletal body, eventually gaining the power to become a lich.
Even if he suffered from extreme physical and psychological pain, he does enjoy every step he does. His lust and greed for power overshadows his pain.
The spell has another problem.
You continuously need to offer soulstones, filled with the soul of an human, since the spell demands a powerfull source to work.
How will his story end? Will he reach his destination of unbelievable power as a lich, or will his decision fail him?

This villain in its form I personally want to be the animated battler, is representing his semi transformed form of still being partly a human, but the curse did already take a part of him.
His Hair is semi long, gray and really sruffy, neglected.
His face should show a deep grin, representing his greed and madness.
His face should also have parts of his left faceside torn skinparts, up to slightly over his left eye, showing the skeleton beneath his skin. His left eye is gone at this point.
His Skeleton is dark grey.
His tooth is already completely uncovered on the right side of his mouth, fading into the still persistent skinside of his left side of the mouth.
Normally his eye color is green, his right eye is still showing this color. His left eye is gone hence to the skeletal form coming out.
He wears a really scruffy and long red scarf around his neck, waving down to the bottom.
He wears a ruined and black shirt, aswell as his other clothing parts are really aged, damaged and neglected. He should wear leather boots.
He fights with a rather simple one handed steelsword and his necrotic magicskills.

Thovor - King of Eternal Age by Moderner Dadaismus

Thovor is an everliving King, of a mountainous province in the very north.
Even though his age stretches over centurys, back to the ages of the early dark time, where humankind built its dominion and fought about power, his appearcence is considered to look very old and aged.
He gained his eternity as he was already an old man, as he was king of his province, achieved trough a bound he underwent, a bound with a ghost, which also seeked for the position to eternally control over this place with an iron fist, to secure the spirits of the very ancestors of this cold land from outlanders which were considered unworthy to control over such reign.
The ghost took parts of his mind, the king got what he seeked for. Both, Thovor and the Ghost were now one.
The pure everlasting power streaming trough his blood, the amount of harsh circumstances and battles he witnessed, aswell as the constantly cold climate left him cold, hard, merciless and without a hint of emotionality.
The only thing he feels is his will for power, which he wants to be secured to his throne for ever. People, especially outlanders fear him, as you can feel the cold atmosphere as you stand next to him, colder then the already cold climate.
The people which obey Thovors reign, worship him as a god, believing that his everlasting life is ment to be a prophecy.

Thovor looks shaped by the time, he is old, his face looks as hard as you can imagine.
He has semi-long grey hair which is combed by the wind, aswell as his beard is.
He wears his longswordl, which he wields with both hands. It is a very special one, since it has engravements of nordic runes, which embody the ancestors.
He wears a crown and a cloak worthy of such king.
Other than that he essentially wears a thick nordic steel armor, also with nordic engravements, considered to be impenetrable.
His skin shouldnt be too pale white, but still as you would imagine.

Warrior Sultan Yusef by James Marion

I have somethings for the description, the rest Aekashics can come up with something. He's got a fanciful arabian outfit with one of those fancy turbans that is purple. His eyes glow white when he is ready for battle. Has a large muscular build and wields and Giant and I mean GIANT Talwar (sword type).

Legendary Knight King Archial by Ryf

King Archial also is in need for an update. In my mind instead of being a malevolent king, King Archial instead fell for a trap that corrupted him and the legendary knights. In this upgraded version, King Archial wears a rich, royal red cape to signify breaking free from the purple-cursed version of him. Could have two face / versions with or without his helmet. As leader of the legendary knights I would like to use him more as a talking face but a helmet-version could keep his initial design otherwise.

Dragon Slayer by Steven

A man wearing armor that has a dragon head as the helmet. Similar to the dragon slayer from Adventure Quest.



Also is the "unknown" battler supposted to be a riff on the AI generated character "The Unknown" from that Willy Wonka scam in scotland? You can't just suggest a character named "unknown" who's description is only "unknown monster" without adding any extra clarity. And it has the same amount of votes as Sleipnir? Huh? This is mer monter all over again! Even suggested by the same guy I think. Edit: Also it has more votes than Sun Wukong lol. Edit: Who would win in a fight, a stolen image from Pinterest that's probaly AI generated with no description, or a fleshed out battler with incredibly detailed descriptions of their appearance and even their skills and strategies? Even lore and backstory but doesn't have an image attached?


Just a reminder that you can vote for multiple battlers. It's my birthday coming up at the end of this month so I really appreciate it if you can all vote for my battlers specifically. It would really make my month.