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Just an informative update to let everyone know the full releases:

  • Animated Tengu
  • Animated Eldritch Abominable Doom
  • Animated Water Titan Aquous
  • Animated Skeletal Drake

Will take up 3 more days to be completed, though I'll be posting them as soon as they are ready as I have with the previous full releases.

In the meatime you can access and claim the latest full releases for:

And also all the latest Early Access Battler  Designs which cover the  January 2024 winner picks entirely:


The March 2024 polls will be going up on March 2nd regardless, taking into account the feedback gotten for them last time.

Thanks for your support! Librarium's improvement is only possible thanks to you :)


Lunar Rabbot

Looking very good! Work as much as you're able, if you get sick then it means more delays! So take care of yourself!