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February 2024 Librarium Statics Poll!

  • Goblin Skeleton Warriors by MetaChaser 5
  • Raven Witches by Mikhael 21
  • Elemental Phoenix II by Jeffrey H. 9
  • Cave monsters by DeathMetalBard 13
  • Darkness Dwelling Demons by KrimsonKatt 12
  • Alien Herbies Vol 2 (Big Strong Brutes!) by ShineyBlueDragon 8
  • Fruit Mimics by ShinAkiyama 3
  • Eastern Warriors by Kayviel 2
  • African Warriors by LordBagra 3
  • Merozalghi Tribe by Eric Sprague 1
  • Elemental Axolotls by Aekashics Librarium 13
  • Winged Hybrids by Aekashics Librarium 2
  • Vegetable Monsters by Aekashics Librarium 6
  • Dungeon Crawler Moths by Aekashics Librarium 5
  • Whispering Woods I by Aekashics Librarium 23
  • Whispering Woods II by Aekashics Librarium 15
  • 2024-02-03
  • —2024-02-29
  • 141 votes
{'title': 'February 2024 Librarium Statics Poll!', 'choices': [{'text': ' Goblin Skeleton Warriors by MetaChaser', 'votes': 5}, {'text': ' Raven Witches by Mikhael', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Elemental Phoenix II by Jeffrey H.', 'votes': 9}, {'text': ' Cave monsters by DeathMetalBard', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Darkness Dwelling Demons by KrimsonKatt', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Alien Herbies Vol 2 (Big Strong Brutes!) by ShineyBlueDragon', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Fruit Mimics by ShinAkiyama', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Eastern Warriors by Kayviel', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'African Warriors by LordBagra', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Merozalghi Tribe by Eric Sprague', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Elemental Axolotls by Aekashics Librarium', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Winged Hybrids by Aekashics Librarium', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Vegetable Monsters by Aekashics Librarium', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Dungeon Crawler Moths by Aekashics Librarium', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Whispering Woods I by Aekashics Librarium', 'votes': 23}, {'text': ' Whispering Woods II by Aekashics Librarium', 'votes': 15}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 29, 17, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 3, 17, 16, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 141}



This month in an attempt to do something regarding the recurring request of having more smaller and medium scale monsters, as well as organizing these polls better I will try something different!

Only one suggestion per user will be taken and I'll fill the rest with ideas I have that could fill that void of smaller and meidum scale monsters and creatures!

You will find these creatures I suggest under the moniker "By Aekashics Librarium " at the bottom of the list!

Goblin Skeleton Warriors by MetaChaser

Goblin skeleton warriors who are undead skeleton versions of the goblins that appear in other set. These goblins are only composed of skeletons and do not have any flesh on them. The following three battlers would be: (1) a skeleton goblin with a sword and shield, (2) a skeleton goblin with a bow and arrow, and (3) a skeleton goblin with a spear.

Raven Witches by Mikhael

Wizards, witches, or other magic users with a gothic, raven motifs and/or familiars

Elemental Phoenix II by Jeffrey H.

The Phoenix, a mythical bird known for its ability to be reborn from its own ashes. It symbolizes immortality and renewal and is often depicted as a beautiful and majestic creature with brightly colored feathers and a long tail.
A wind based phoenix
A light (holy) based Phoenix
The last one could be a earth (nature) based phoenix or any other element or design that Aekashics wants to do.

Cave monsters by DeathMetalBard

Creatures that evolved to live in the deep and dark parts of a cave.

Mutant style monster part people, weird spider things, axotol type monsters, humanoid ape men that cannibalize humans.

Just weird monster men that live deep in the dark hidden parts of the world

Darkness Dwelling Demons by KrimsonKatt

Pazuzu: A fire elemental bird-like demon with four flaming weapons and a humanoid torso. Has fiery flowing hair, four arms, and wields a flaming broadsword. Here is an image: https://rpgmaker.net/media/content/users/54801/locker/pazuzu.png
Alliat: A demon goddess who appears as a floating black and red obelisk. Here is an image: https://rpgmaker.net/media/content/users/54801/locker/aliat.jpg
Unkillable: A demonic skeleton lizard/crocodile creature that is completely impervious to all forms of damage, or at least is so resistant to it that almost nothing works on it. It possesses black matted fur, a bone-like jaw, various spinal bones coming out of it’s back and the end of it’s tail, an exposed ribcage, and four reptilian legs with 6 fingers each. Inspired by SCP-682. Here is an image: https://rpgmaker.net/media/content/users/54801/locker/scp682.png

Alien Herbies Vol 2 (Big Strong Brutes!)by ShineyBlueDragon

1st Alien Gorilla, massive in size, sharp tusks, a sharp armored back,-->
2nd Ice Woolly Mammoth--> https://www.pinterest.com/pin/19773685854027579/
3rd Bull Beetle Rhino--> https://www.pinterest.com/pin/176062666676717240/

Fruit Mimics by ShinAkiyama

Like the normal Mimic, only as different Fruits (or Edibles in general)

Eastern Warriors by Kayviel

A number of Asian inspired warriors, Featuring multiple types of weaponry.

A female warrior using a Naginata https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/547398529722688121/

A male monk using a Bo Staff https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/547398529723290414/

A ninja using a Kusarigama https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/633178028879138575/

A sorcerer that conjures Yokai spirits via relics https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/547398529723919459/

African Warriors  by LordBagra

Shaka Zulu: Warrior chief of the zulu tribe, rose the to prominence by conquering rival tribes and creating a very formidable fighting force. He is the subject of many stories.
Tribal warriors: Warriors adorned in traditional african ware coupled with painted markings denoting their status as a warrior and/or tribal affiliation (Zulu, Maasai, Yoruba)

Merozalghi Tribe by Eric Sprague

Tall, somewhat bulky, red-skinned bipedal creatures with uncannily long arms, an almost turtle-like carapace and a head reminiscent of a cross between a bear and a theropod dinosaur. Their heads are crowned with a ring of spines and their skin is covered with a patchy coat of quills. They have short but sharp claws, and humanoid grasping hands. The teeth are saw-edged and form a cutting ridge on the bottom and a series of triangular gripping and cutting teeth on top.

The elites among them also have flaps of webbing between their arms and legs that they can use to glide, and some of them also have four tentacles studded with hooks that curl out from under the edges of their carapace.

The rank-and-file Annointed soldier then wears bronze armor and carries a long spear. More senior Annointed may have other weapons or armor, favoring weapons that take advantage of strength and leverage.

Elemental Axolotl by Aekashics Librarium

Small sized Axotol creatures useful for random encounters in elemental themed dungeons (Fire, Ice, Earth)

Winged Hybrids by Aekashics Librarium

Small and Medium sized hybrids useful for random encounters Winged Armored Fish, Winged Tarantula, Winged Hare

Vegetable Monsters by Aekashics Librarium

Monsters that could be used for basic random encounters in areas like crop fields, grasslands, farms.

Lettuce Imp :  A being with lettuce whose body is formed by the roots of the vegetable, attacks with screams and scratches

Carrot Goblin: Small goblin like creatures with Orange skin and Corrt-like noses. Very vicious.

Cabbage Crawler: Ground-dwelling creatures resembling miniature cabbages with tiny legs and sharp, biting leaves for mouths.

Dungeon Crawler Moths by Aekashics Librarium

Harmony Moth – Moth with musical note patterns on their wings. They attack by creating melodies with their wing flutters.

Spectramoth: A semi-transparent moth with goshtly energy wings. A haunting sight.

LunaMoth : A moth with wings which evoke a resemblance to a crescent moon. Their body is covered in  silver scales, they only appear at night and use moonlight to create illusions.

Whispering Woods I by Aekashics Librarium

Creatures fitting for random encounters in a  night time/lunar forest theme dungeon.

Lunashade Sprite: Tiny Luminescent sprites. They play and travel among the trees.

MoonDust Raven: A small raven with silver wings and regal feathers adorning its head. They leave a silvery dust trail as they fly.

Willow Warden: A small Sentient tree which protects the forest. Can be deadly when encountered in large groups.

Whispering Woods II by Aekashics Librarium

Creatures fitting for random encounters in a  night time/lunar forest theme dungeon.

Marsh Toadling:

Small shiny  toads with patterns which camouflage it in the forest.

Verdant Armadillo:

Small armadillos with Emerald green leaf like armor. Very resilient and capable of delivering brutal blows. It has a crescent moon on its forehead.

Lunar Pangolyn:

A pangolin-like creature with several spikes on its back which during the night light up brightly.



Whispering Woods and the Vegetable Monsters are great ideas!


I WOULD like to see another group of tree monsters now that I think about it. How long has it been? 6 years? 7 since the last ones?


i stopped suggesting when everything got backed up, it was my attempt at freeing up your time to finish the catch-up bundle stuff. i might have to start submitting some again. i personally like the one per person suggestion. it gives other users a chance to have their stuff in the polls and possibly voted for.


By all means submit your suggestions!the system has evolved since then and I feel we're finally back into an established flow for everything again, I might actually limit it to a top of 3 suggestions per person if multiple are sbumitted , with proper adjustments according to the number of people who pitched new suggestions for that period