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December 2023 Librarium Animated Poll!

  • Battle Hamster by Murilo Bastos 2
  • Giant ancestral wild boar by Vaiyat 14
  • Fae King Oberon by Emelian65 2
  • Cecaelia Sea Witch by ShineyBlueDragon 7
  • Baron Ozma, the Meteor Slayer by KrimsonKatt 6
  • Black Knight Demoness by Jeffrey H. 5
  • Dragoon/Dragon Knight by DecayingDev 3
  • Davy Jones Kraken by Skimin 3
  • Dragon Slayer by Steven 4
  • Mer Monter by Shin 1
  • Crimson Knight with Spear by MetaChaser 10
  • Zanarok, the Tiger Warrior by Rodolfo Silva 1
  • Aluke by Ezequiel Nilo 0
  • Thovor - King of Eternal Age by Moderner Dadaismus 1
  • Warrior Sultan Yusef by James Marion 0
  • Ragaron by ClaudMaxia 1
  • Legendary Knight King Archial by Ryf 6
  • Ascended Takeda by Skymin 2
  • Canine Anthro by Shiriyuki 1
  • The Coordinator by John Mcnemar III 1
  • Astalov, the psychopomp by SiGxGiS 0
  • Oldanor by William Richard 4
  • Earth Titan Terran By Fyoha 9
  • Skeleton Warrior by JLey 2
  • Predatory Animal – Gnoll Boss by DEwards 11
  • 2023-12-16
  • —2024-01-01
  • 96 votes
{'title': 'December 2023 Librarium Animated Poll!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Battle Hamster by Murilo Bastos', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Giant ancestral wild boar by Vaiyat', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Fae King Oberon by Emelian65', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Cecaelia Sea Witch by ShineyBlueDragon', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Baron Ozma, the Meteor Slayer by KrimsonKatt', 'votes': 6}, {'text': ' Black Knight Demoness by Jeffrey H.', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Dragoon/Dragon Knight by DecayingDev', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Davy Jones Kraken by Skimin', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Dragon Slayer by Steven', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Mer Monter by Shin', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Crimson Knight with Spear by MetaChaser', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Zanarok, the Tiger Warrior by Rodolfo Silva', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Aluke by Ezequiel Nilo', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Thovor - King of Eternal Age by Moderner Dadaismus', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Warrior Sultan Yusef by James Marion', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Ragaron by ClaudMaxia', 'votes': 1}, {'text': ' Legendary Knight King Archial by Ryf', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Ascended Takeda by Skymin ', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Canine Anthro by Shiriyuki', 'votes': 1}, {'text': ' The Coordinator by John Mcnemar III', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Astalov, the psychopomp by SiGxGiS', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Oldanor by William Richard', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Earth Titan Terran By Fyoha', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Skeleton Warrior by JLey', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Predatory Animal – Gnoll Boss by DEwards', 'votes': 11}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 1, 5, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 16, 23, 33, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 96}


Welcome to Librarium's December 2023 Librarium polls, Animated edition!

For this final set of polls for 2023 I wanted to do something special to close the year so I feature one suggestion from each unique user in the suggestion pool, a small way to say thanks to everyone for sharing the suggestion through the year! This mechanic was also applied in the Librarium statics poll!

Lets get voting!

Remember these designs will be ellaborated during January 2024, and you can find the suggestion box over here to drop ideas whenever!


Battle Hamster by Murilo Bastos

A hasmster with an armor or any type of battle clothing. Cute yet deadly https://i.etsystatic.com/43356463/r/il/1c15ef/5064026475/il_1588xN.5064026475_dj47.jpg

Giant ancestral wild boar by Vaiyat

If possible, I would like a giant ancestral boar, Princess Mononoke style, but with tattoos a bit like the "Spirit Beast Wild Boar" that you did before but bigger.
Thank you for your wonderful work!

Fae King Oberon by Emelian65

A young looking man, brown skined due to constantly being under the sun, his clothes seem to be made of leaves/flowers, and he has a crown made of golden colored rocks, a pair of butterfly-like iridicent/monarch wings sprout of his back, on one of his hands there is a great sword/bastard sword, while on the other one there is a big/small shield, both made of crystial(being a fairy he doesn't use iron/metals). He can be either floating or standing on the ground, whichever is easier/more pleasing looking,

Cecaelia Sea Witch by ShineyBlueDragon

a large Cecaelian witch perfect for underwater trouble, or fun! Her design must include her holding her weapon in her movement sprite, her attacks include a stabbing motion with her weapon, and two different water attacks.-->https://www.pinterest.com/pin/53621051807467575/

Baron Ozma, the Meteor Slayer by KrimsonKatt

An imposing armored figure wearing black armor with green glowing highlights as well as a demonic helmet with massive horns. Masks his heavily disfigured face at all times to hide his identity and wields the Ars Solaris, a legendary sword which he stole from Koros and his allies to use in his quest for world domination. In Ozma’s hands, the Ars Solaris transforms into a massive black and green greatsword similar to Guts’ sword from Berserk.

Black Knight Demoness by Jeffrey H.

Black knight Demoness
A beautiful yet deadly demoness clad in black armor. She should be based on the design below, but with a few changes like her cape should be red and tattered. Her hair changed to be black. And of course, a set of horns.

Dragoon/Dragon Knight by DecayingDev

Knight with more dragon/drake-like armor features, and possibly a set of wings.

Davy Jones Kraken by Skimin

A bipedal Kraken based on the villian from "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" complete with a pirate hat and a hook for one of his hands and a sword on the other hand. Wears a black and silver jacket with black pants. Known as the bane of the seven seas to all pirates and marines throughout the waters. Can attack with the sword, hook, and the third attack can be special where the hook disappearsand instead becomes a mini cannon for him to shoot a cannonball towards the enemy! (Can change name for the listing if you want.)

Dragon Slayer by Steven

A man wearing armor that has a dragon head as the helmet. Similar to the dragon slayer from Adventure Quest.

Mer Monter by Shin

Deep ocean monster

Crimson Knight with Spear by MetaChaser

Female Crimson Knight boss with long orange-ish red hair and porcelain white skin, who wields a long spear. Her attack movements would be attacking with the spear like in a thrusting piercing motion. She wears the same red armor as the other Crimson knights and has wings like them also. Her hair should be an orangish-red so that there is still some contrast with the red armor she is wearing. If she could have an attack animation where she throws the spear, or maybe commands the spear to shoot out at the player (like she doesn't need to be touching it) that would be great also.

Zanarok, the Tiger Warrior by Rodolfo Silva

Zanarok, the Tiger Warrior, is a majestic and fierce creature, with a golden coat and black stripes that exude power and courage. Gifted with incredible combat skills and dexterity, it leads the battlefield with feline grace, delivering precise blows with its razor-sharp claws. His unwavering loyalty to his comrades and ferocity in protecting his territory make him a feared and respected force throughout the realm. Under his penetrating and wise gaze, Zanarok bravely faces enemies, always willing to sacrifice himself to ensure peace and harmony in his world.

Reference: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/57/85/dc/5785dc11fe1903aec6843b8cf3dee249.jpg

Aluke by Ezequiel Nilo

The Demon Little Red Riding Hood

Thovor - King of Eternal Age by Moderner Dadaismus

Thovor is an everliving King, of a mountainous province in the very north.
Even though his age stretches over centurys, back to the ages of the early dark time, where humankind built its dominion and fought about power, his appearcence is considered to look very old and aged.
He gained his eternity as he was already an old man, as he was king of his province, achieved trough a bound he underwent, a bound with a ghost, which also seeked for the position to eternally control over this place with an iron fist, to secure the spirits of the very ancestors of this cold land from outlanders which were considered unworthy to control over such reign.
The ghost took parts of his mind, the king got what he seeked for. Both, Thovor and the Ghost were now one.
The pure everlasting power streaming trough his blood, the amount of harsh circumstances and battles he witnessed, aswell as the constantly cold climate left him cold, hard, merciless and without a hint of emotionality.
The only thing he feels is his will for power, which he wants to be secured to his throne for ever. People, especially outlanders fear him, as you can feel the cold atmosphere as you stand next to him, colder then the already cold climate.
The people which obey Thovors reign, worship him as a god, believing that his everlasting life is ment to be a prophecy.

Thovor looks shaped by the time, he is old, his face looks as hard as you can imagine.
He has semi-long grey hair which is combed by the wind, aswell as his beard is.
He wears his longswordl, which he wields with both hands. It is a very special one, since it has engravements of nordic runes, which embody the ancestors.
He wears a crown and a cloak worthy of such king.
Other than that he essentially wears a thick nordic steel armor, also with nordic engravements, considered to be impenetrable.
His skin shouldnt be too pale white, but still as you would imagine.

Warrior Sultan Yusef by James Marion

I have somethings for the description, the rest Aekashics can come up with something. He's got a fanciful arabian outfit with one of those fancy turbans that is purple. His eyes glow white when he is ready for battle. Has a large muscular build and wields and Giant and I mean GIANT Talwar (sword type).

Ragaron by ClaudMaxia

Minotaurus in an electrified plate armor with a giant hammer in hand.

Legendary Knight King Archial by Ryf

King Archial also is in need for an update. In my mind instead of being a malevolent king, King Archial instead fell for a trap that corrupted him and the legendary knights. In this upgraded version, King Archial wears a rich, royal red cape to signify breaking free from the purple-cursed version of him. Could have two face / versions with or without his helmet. As leader of the legendary knights I would like to use him more as a talking face but a helmet-version could keep his initial design otherwise.

Ascended Takeda by Skymin

Ascended Takeda: A samurai clad in silver armor with black outlines throughout. Think a samurai version of Silver Rathalos armor from Monster Hunter complete with a silver and black armor and Kanata blade. Daimyo of the Kai Providence, this samurai can be considered a fighting ally of the Ascended Daimyo similar to "Sir Gawain" was to "King Arthur" animated battler. So he'd have a similar build and katana fighting style as the recent Daimyo Samurai, but would have a plain red scarf and belt to serve as a reminder this samurai doesn't serve any one banner but whoever is the highest bidder. Would sword swipe, thrust and slam downward. If possible a fourth special attack could sheath the blade and quickly let it out for a counter strike.

Canine Anthro by Shiriyuki

Anthropomorphic canine animated batterers and sprites, I'd even commission you directions for a set. Or for 6 characters

The Coordinator by John Mcnemar III

Based off the Librarium releases, “The Cordinators”

Astalov, the psychopomp by SiGxGiS

Name: Astalov, the psychopomp

Psychopomps (from the Greek word ψυχοπομπός, psychopompós, literally meaning the 'guide of souls') are supernatural creatures whose responsibility is to escort newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife. Their role is not to judge the deceased, but simply to guide them.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopomp )

Astalov was selected by the grim reaper to be the next successor of highly respected psychopomps many, many centuries ago.
He can’t remember his former live as a living-being but judging by his many scars on his body, and the big one on his face, it must have been not very good.
Astalov likes his job and is in good terms with the current grim reaper with which he always plays chest in their free-time.
Despite hating violence, he is a skilled martial artist and uses his soul-guiding-staff like a battle staff ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C5%8D ) to knock out uncooparating souls or he can summon friendly souls from his soul-lamp to bind and demorale his ‘victims’.

Astalov has short grey hair and grey eyes.
He wears a green-red kung fu suit, a black cape with a golden medallion and black shoes.
A big x-shaped scar covers his face.

Oldanor by William Richard

Oldanor is the chosen one by the Indians Tribes of Kikyli to protect the Temple from the grunts of Chaos Order. A typical amerindian warrior with two tomahawks, tribal paints on his naked torso, an indian headdress with magical feathers and a dreamcatcher collar. His attacks is : Tomahawk in melee or to throw it and a little magic to increase his dexterity and pace.

Earth Titan Terran By Fyoha

Years ago, Ækashics created the elemental titans.

I believe since then, 5 of the original 8 were animated into dragonbones integration. There were also some great static remakes, but I'd love to see the remaining 3 animated! Wind, Water, and Earth.

Skeleton Warrior by JLey

All RPG need undead warriors! Could be a mage or a knight!

Predatory Animal – Gnoll Boss by DEwards

A Gnoll boss


Blue Dragon

the repetitive knights and heroes are becoming redundant though cause they can only be created so big... Which is why I have been suggesting non-human species


And I think that's the best way to go about it to see more variety! Ultimately these matters are entirely in the hands of the community, since I'm not the one directly picking the suggestions to be made or making them myself :)


I haven't elaborated much, but the ancestral giant boar is inspired by princess mononoke, it would be a legendary creature that ruled the forests, if it was made with Ækashics art, it would be an incredible boss, all your creatures are really cool, thanks to everyone who voted for !