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I still managed to set aside a few days for working with my Echidna race. Yippee!

Having passed the test of time, I made some adjustments to the peculiarity of their appearance (changed the feet, body color, genitals). And now I can say with confidence that this piece of information is reliable and canonical.


Echidna is a humanoid creature that has two guises: True (echidna) and Mimic (human)

Features of the anatomy of the appearance of Echidna (True form):
- all individuals are hermaphrodites (male reproductive organs are usually hidden inside the body)
- long and flexible snake tail with a tassel at the end
- horns have pointed outgrowths (number, location and shape may be different)
- anthropomorphic legs
- 4 toes on feet and 5 fingers on the hands
- Teeth or all pointed (shark teeth) or only pointed fangs (vampire teeth)
- skin shimmers in the light
- pointed and long ears

Several color options for Echidna and an example of their physique:
1) the first type of physique is a prominent representative of the male type of appearance.
2) The second type of physique is a representative of the female type of appearance.
3) The third type of physique is the standard type of appearance

* I forgot to mention that their body color can be different colors, but within pastel, charcoal shades, dark / black, but not bright. Light color for Echidna is a rare phenomenon. Bright elements / details can only be palms, tongue, horns, pads of paws / feet, genitals and the shine of their skin

Features of the anatomy of the appearance of a Human (Mimic form):
- Ears, in the Mimic form, remain pointed, although not as long as in the True form.
- Teeth stay sharp as well, same as in True Form
- In human form, Echidnas have one gender - male or female. But still, because of their true hermaphrodite nature, they will be more or less close to each other. That is, the appearance is similar to androgynous with the greatest emphasis either in the width of the shoulders, or in the width of the hips.
- Echidna girls have small bust size, there are no periods
- Male Echidnas do not have bright body hair growth, which is typical of ordinary men of other races, and is completely absent on the face (beard and mustache do not grow)



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