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P29: Epilogue. The stallion got to enjoy his harem and the mares all enjoyed themselves, even if one felt bad about it... And they all lived mare-ily ever after. (It's done! 96 hours on those last 10 images, whew. All those group shots... Well, I hope it was satisfying to y'all. Wonder what halloween TF I'll do this month...)

P28: Teasing it with her tail  (I forgot september has 30 days so the final page comes next month ig. Ah well it's sort of a bonus page anyway)

P27: Accidental signals

P26: A day in the life of a riding horse. (These groups shots took forever. Multiple days on this one, with its the complex lighting)

(Double post; An alt with the goods on full display)

P25: Just a whole bunch of horny mares

P24: Reigned in  (Quick, use your tongue on it!)

P23: Right where she left it

P22: Ready to ride. (Flip back and forth between 21 and 22)

P21: Well, since you asked...

P20: New digs, new you! All female neighbors too, imagine all the girl talk- er, neighing. (We're back baby! Another 9 pages coming over the next 5 days, it's gonna be busy. (Yep I added a page.) 62 hours on this set so far and it's far from finished... See I came up with some ideas that had to be included...)

P19: Uh oh.  (And there's that set done! 9 pics, 52 hours)

P18: That uneasy feeling that you've really screwed up, but you're not yet sure how...

P17: Hoping to get a leg up in popularity, she got 4 instead. (Man who wouldn't want to ride her wagon)

P16: It smells like a barn in your room! What are you, an animal? (Oh boy 3 more pics, that means 3 more patreon emails today!)

(Now with GIF!) (Try flipping through the sequence yourself!)
...Present, and future.

P14: A rapidly changing past

P13: Just a really bad hair day right! ...Right? Right??

P12: From twerking to wagging

P11: She's always wanted a long, luxurious pony tail... But not like that! (9 more images coming before the month is out!) (Oops, 8 now)

P10: Skirting the issue  (Whups it's the end of the month! Here's the last one that's ready. Probably another week or two for more)

P9: Misplaced priorities

P8: Hair raising mishap

P7: Tried to raise her social status, raised her skirt instead

P6: Second thoughts. Nothing serious surely

P5: *Hits enter* *beep* 💫 And just like that, from spotlight to stable

P4: Way to put your hoof in your mouth 🪄

P3: What could go wrong? Not like the beauty could get herself bridled or something

P1 and P2: She shouldn't be horsing around with reality like that... In trying to run away from her problems, she'll just wind up trotting into new ones 🐴

(Trying something new with this one; a flipbook like the pay comics of yore, but done 10 images at a time for patreon. This first set took 38.5 hours, plus 5.5 for planning. I'll post an image a day until the month is done. Let me know what you think... I'm already figuring I should go higher rez next set. Oh and I'm sticking to the original plan this time! No turning 4 pages into 40 again >_>)




So far really interesting


Oh man I hope she winds up all rubber and immobile, unable to give the phone the commands to turn her back


Hmm, what could she be destined to be transformed into 🤔 these devilishly subtle riddles have me all perplexed! On a real note this is looking fun. I looove reality alteration, so many fun possibilities.


I basically just told GPT 4 to give me like 20 pages of puns and took the best ones =P And yeah I'm stoked, I quite like the thumbnail plan I have


Nice, I do love on the nose humor like that. And can't wait to see them thumbnails.


Given the title more likely that the reason is can’t turn back is due to having hooves


I wonder how much extra work it would be to make it a stop motion movie when all is said and done like that one page of Milked


that stop motion bit added a fair bit of time and especially complication with the file format. You can see how long it took on the post. And it's only flat shaded. Not something I'd go for frequently


Ok was just asking cause you said flip book which made me think of that page which was essentially a flipbook


Is it a coincidence that you're doing single panels instead of the usual ones, like Zorym is doing, or is it just inspiration, just to change a bit? Kinda stoked about the reality alteration setup, though.


It's not a coincidence. I saw those single panels, liked them and went "Hey I should do more of that". (And this why always I tell people to not get so wrapped up with who's copying who or what's original or not. Nothing is original. All pop media is derivative and steals from each other in a big incesty mess, and that applies to TF too. /rant)


You know I don't think we actually see her with her skirt down before things ah, get out of hand. Like it's always butt shots. Feels like a missed opportunity


I can't wait for the surprise twist where she doesn't turn into a horse. Maybe a cow?


Ahh, the classic wish of "make me a sandwich" then *poof* they are now a sandwich.


Good old bad phrasing TFs. With a little reality change twist to really make it work...


Lol. She should watched her words. Monkeys paw strikes again


In the words of Sterling Archer.....PHRASING! She's not going to enjoy this as much as the rest of us....


I think we all know where this is going.




I yes the classic monkey palm, or it it monkey text app in this case!


nice cow TF stories with the farm machines changing them, btw. That and some other people's stuff helped get me into the idea, for Milked


convenient how the transformation into a sexy popular girl was a poof tf but the horse one will not be. my theory is that the first tf didnt actaully do anything because all women are beautiful already


these words are now invalid as i have noticed a typo among them


lol how disney movie. I figure it's because the first one was very minor tweaks to reality while this one... This one is not. You'll see. (And tbh the "hot popular" TF is just her with more curves and effort, it is actually pretty disney movie.)


TBH, a device like that could be a lot of fun if you knew how to phrase things. "Make me (animal/creature/whatever) for (time) and then turn me back to my current form." type stuff. Or because it changes reality you could turn off bills and taxes lmao.


You'd have to be more careful than that. You'll see later. Unforeseen consequences and all that

Desired Information

Reminds me of SCP-294 the drinks machine with a variety of inputs. Gotta be VERY specific.


What I'm waiting for, orher than the "pretty horse" part, is the "well-behaved" one. That part will have the worst consequences for her, I bet.


Hmmm I wonder why her underwear is itchy? It couldn't possibly be bc her butt is getting bigger could it? Must be my imagination Anyways awesome artwork

Desired Information

It could theoretically. In the fiction it can make any kind of fluid, it takes requests very seriously but very literal. Putting "A cuppa joe" would normally get you a coffee at a baristas but this machine would magically take a cup's worth of various cells and fluids from the nearest person called Joe.


Oh I know that it's because of the horse tail. I was just teasing a little bit


Loved the "life story" drink though. Makes me wonder if there's also a liquid "will to live" lol

Rolo the donkey

👀 every time I see any updates in my email I'm just like ahhhhHhH more Bendzz


Figured people might like the daily updates, as opposed to rare posts with huge pages

Rolo the donkey

Honestly it's always a treat either way. c: whether frequent uploads or once every now and then, I always get excited seeing that notification


I like the daily updates but I have to be careful with clearing emails at work because I dont want them to know I like this type of stuff.


Keep it up with the excellent work!!


You use your work email for patreon? You love leading a dangerous life, don't you?


When the updates wwere monthly or so, and not regular, I didn't checked my emails often, like once every week, but now it's like 6 times a day. It's like I'm getting my daily fix. So I'd say this format is effective.


Y’know even if she wasn’t turning into a horse with breasts she’d still have to get used of guys or a gust of wind flipping up her skirt


Oooh love the oblivious ones. Reminds me of that one from way back with the girl that wishes her horse didn't have to get sold off, great work! Gonna be exciting to see how this wraps up ETA: 13 years ago...didnt think it was that's long ago. Damn...


https://www.deviantart.com/bendzz/art/Horse-TF-P1-154189520 oh jeez it has been 13 years... Well now I feel old. (Think I was underage when I posted that lol)


I hope that her butt is getting nice and phat. I hope she stays human with some slight horse features. That big butt kind of loses appeal if she is a horse.

Swifty D

Oooh, I love how her ass looks in the last page!


I definitely was when I first read it! But that's the internet haha


I dont use my work email its a personal email on my phone(notaworkphone) I also dont have a work email


As always excellent work!!


Dam that newest one is hot...

Gato (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 20:38:27 Good thing you took the skirt off, girlfriend! I feel a butt/hip expansion coming! >3c
2023-08-25 18:38:18 Good thing you took the skirt off, girlfriend! I feel a butt/hip expansion coming! >3c

Good thing you took the skirt off, girlfriend! I feel a butt/hip expansion coming! >3c

Aaron Stone


Rob Senta

bendzz, you tease.


Ooh, nice strong legs!


Oh the nose changed as well I see.


I like the detail that she can't hear the phone well cause she's not putting it where her ears are.

Desired Information

I see she's already standing like she has hooves, and I like the reality warping going on. She's definitely going to freak out when she sees her new nose.


As always excellent artwork. I wonder how long it'll take her to realize she has hooves instead of feet&hands (I'm going guess not until she's on all fours and can't use phone due to being all hooves)


She had such a pretty face... now it'll be ruined. I was hoping it would just be her being a very hott girl with big boobs and butt.


That has never happened on my patreon and you know it. You're in the wrong place. Feel free to unsubscribe

Sebastian Weinberg

I love reality changes retconning the past, especially if the changes happen over the course of a conversation.


Not your first time saying that, buddy. You were told, Bendzz makes tf stuff, and it usually goes towards a vaguely human-like feral form.

Desired Information

I wanna know who supplies the TF remotes, I need one desperately.

keelan burgar

are you going to start posting 2 a day since you said you where going to upload 8 before the month is out?


Yep, and even better with some visuals of her memories changing... But that wouldn't fit this sequence format


yeah but first I have to finish the other pages lol. (I was out camping until today)


All I want is for more sexy things to happen at p14


she's curious on why her face is getting longer, i am more curious on how she is still holding that phone with hooves! magic!


That's not what I meant, but don't worry about it.


Ohohoho, what a monkey's paw indeed! Can't wait to see more of the reality shifting/warping to her request!

Desired Information

I wonder how this would sound? Voice tone is very dependant on neck and throat length so the conversation would definitely be getting stranger as time goes on.


Enjoying this tremendously, both the approach to releasing new images and what is in those images

Mr. Cheese

She better be careful: at this rate she’s going to try and correct her mistake by wishing for ANOTHER horse and well…stallions are a bit wild…


Just friction I'm afraid (though that phone has a nice payoff)


It'd sound whatever way is hottest. So really it'd sound like a normal cute girl whinnying. I think audio physics would just get in the way


Not sure how she's going to type on the remote with hooves... But I'll just let this play out and we'll see =p

Sebastian Weinberg

“Girl, I know it’s hard for you to use a phone, what with being a quadruped on four hooves and all, but you gotta calm down! Nobody can understand you when you start talking in whinnys and snorts, like you always do when you get agitated.”


Ahh the puns, they fuel me.


Love how her hind quarters just explodes in the GIF from regular, well shaped rear end to horse haunches.

Bernard Smith III

I am really enjoying the conversation on this one, the friend being unaware is great.


I don't think it's going to stop at "half" livestock >]


Aaand was secretly hoping her horse hips would continue exploding, which seems to be the case. Very nice.

Jame echo

Man this sequence is so good I can’t wait for the next set! Hopefully it’s the last set with a great ending. Thank you Bendzz


it's half that half not being sure how they should look as she rotates. Could have fixed it but hey, booty growth is nice


yeah the next set should be the last one! In an incredible rarity, I managed to stick to the initial plan

Sebastian Weinberg

Ah, so that’s why she was breaking up. The Apple hayPhone X has notoriously bad reception inside barns and stables…

Rolo the donkey

I'm basically repeating myself from my last comment, but man! Every time I see a Bendzz notif in my email I know it's gonna be great - and with so many notifs recently, it's been a wonderful time. <3 This sequence is just fantastic! Also love that her ass just keeps getting a little bigger every page~


I'm really digging the effect of her back legs and socks. Do you intend for them to become her fur pattern or be leg warmers? (Yes, there are horse leg warmers and they're adorable!!!)


I didn't know that. The plan is to have the pink bits fall off and the white become fur. (Spoilers) Probably combine that with fur growing over her and the saddle tf...

Simon Blanar

When are the last 9 pics gonna get released?


idk probably the better part of a week yet at least. The lines are mostly done but this set is MASSSIVE with group shots. Also it's 10 images now


Imagine being one of those random people just living your life then out of no where you just turn into a horse

Mr. Cheese

She was quick to start thinking of herself as a mare, heh. Looks like the effects are reaching her mind! 🤔😈😁


Hope we get a glance of the neighbors

Jame echo

Are we going to get multiple pics today or the next day?

Desired Information

🐎 she should be glad she's not becoming a wild horse, stuck in the wilderness would be way worse.


Nice to see her top becoming her saddle too.


Love her mentioning her nose in stuff. Thafs my favorite focus on any TF. Nose and nose related actions


Ooo! Her nose getting bigger is quite nice


All because of some random girls misworded wish which had nothing to do with you. Lucky bastards




Ooo. Love her trying to reach her nose to the stuff. I got a nose kink, so this stuff is so fun!!


Even if she did get the remote.. Don't think she's thought about how to press it...


How're you gonna type with hooves, sweetheart?

Sebastian Weinberg

P23 — Oh, so you don't want people riding you?  Here, let me write that down: "Only wants… to get ridden… by stallions."  There!  I'm sure your preferences can be accommodated.


So who is going to ride her?

Jame echo

You know it would be cool if there’s a crossover with Jenny and Velvet from the April fools sequence or the two girlfriends or with the mares from impressing the lady’s


People keep saying that. It wouldn't make sense story wise tho. This was an apartment full of people, not a ranch, before she messed with the remote. There were no horses

Jame echo

Yeah I get that but just could be cool if they are kinda in the same universe and crossed over or something like Marvel heros that crossover into other heros storylines might be cool in the future though. I just love this sequence this is a top tier one.

purple beauty

what if she's pregnant at the end...


I mean heroes teaming up to save the world kinda makes sense. But you don't usually see bimbo horses doing it

Sayori -

I’m only mad we don’t know if her friend became a horse too or if she became a carriage


The friend on the phone? They're still fully human, just confused because they felt like they were having a phone conversation just now, except that doesn't make sense because you can't call up a horse to talk right...? Weiiird. Oh well.


Well, that'll teach her friend to buy the cheap remote without reality shielding. Though they probably dont even remember having the remote now.


God I hate to be this guy, but the optical illusion effect of the bars on the other stables being both in front and behind of her stablemates (or maybe the mate hasn't turned up yet) is slightly distracting. I only mention because it's literally the one flaw in what has otherwise been an incredible series


There's no background behind the bars so I can't just remove them. All I could do is grey out the whole background etc


It's not a big deal, and tbh I shouldn't have said anything because I'm sure it's something you already agonised over. I'm already over it! Everything else is fantastic, and I'm sorry for raising a silly minor issue


np. I mean I briefly considered it but this set is already at 80 hours and far from finished and I'm exhausted, so no way


But it would be fun to see a version :)


Silly girl, horses don't get muzzles! They get *bridles!*


ah, I was trying to emphasize that she can't open her mouth to talk now

Fenekku Kitsune

P26: Oh god the pupilless eyes O.o


How she sees them now. Being a horse, she's not big on humans anymore


Maybe they would be brought to this ranch for the breeding session with the prestigious male


So how to we get to the alt?


It's the double page post; you can see the background mares with their bodies covered by the bars, and then without


I just love the mental changes most of all. Just so great as she thinks more and more like a horse

Swifty D

Yoooo stick your muzzle in your riders fat booty girl


Oh, I wasn't trying to criticize or anything! I just figured she in particular wouldn't know the term lol


Damn! Her bigger nose and nostrils in part 30 are so sexy. I love it <3

Fenekku Kitsune

P28: Oh hell, that's an excellent view <3 Such a sexy horse, such a nice pussy. Can't wait to see her bred <3 Also, side note, I'm loving how quickly this is updating.


What I'm curious about is whether her friend on the phone arrived in time to get caught up in the TFs


Nah they're still human. If anything, maybe they became one of the riders. (Tho i figured this apartment turned into some weird live-in stable with human housing attached; maybe the second floor is for humans, idk. And that all the riders lived there. ...i guess some could live off premises.)


Gotta wonder if the foal would be at least semi-sentient/human minded seeing as their mother kept hers....now, I'm not *that* cruel, maybe a better help in "acclimation" to one's new life and all lol.


shame we couldn't have seen the in between activities between p28 and p29 plus their boobs look a lot bigger in the last one would have been lovely to see those too. good job overall


lol I'm just being extra weird I guess. I should probably write it out or something instead of being weird in the comments!


I I like the shift to include more preg content.


I would love if this remote reality change thing became a series with other characters.