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Looks like Velvet's had more than enough of being the one getting ridden, and isn't going to let this sudden opportunity slip away. That could be a problem for the other two girls...

Alts here: https://imgur.com/a/wnJjzgH 

(18 hours. Might do a brief followup if people like this. Was meant to be a quick sketch for april 1st, but between going perfectionist and an addiction to DRG it's a bit late. Let's see about a quick bunny TF now...)




Oh I love reality alteration stuff like this, great work!


Except in this case one other person witnessed the swap and actually remembers it. What to do about that, what to do...


DRG the game?


Can I ask if there's a rough timeframe for more Milked?


I don't have one. Let's see, i want to do a bunny then the last page of the dog toy tgtf, so the soonest would be making it the final post of the month. But i have no idea if it'll be that soon

Fixy Clary

Oh wow! *giggles*


Haha amazing, it really is growing across the world. didn't think I'd ever see it mentioned by a TF artist. Rock and stone!


Velvet has the superior mane AND superior hair, she's clearly earned this.

Swifty D

Well, if you're looking for ideas... Either the clipboard is magic, the pen is or the person who wrote it down is. I can see many hijinks resulting from them trying to figure it out and/or restoring their poor friend, which only results in more chaos/victims... 😈 Oooh, maybe they lose the clipboard, and it falls into the hands of someone who doesn't realize its power, who accidentally transforms the pov before she can tell them!


Love this!


Role swaps are always something I like, especially when one's getting the short end of the straw. Nice work.

Scourge darkpaw

Can someone explain this or link me the story, wasn't jenny supposed to go for breeding


I love this one so much. :3

Fenekku Kitsune

I'm a little confused as to the story on this image Ohhhh wait, they swapped places?


There is no story post, it's just she swapped the horse and girl's name and it swapped them IRL


Yeah their names got swapped on the signup sheet and they swapped places irl


Yeah i tried to make their final forms a trade up. Velvet makes a cuter human and jenny makes for one slutty horse girl


Follow would be great

Jackson Trom

Another magic pen/pencil changing reality tf! Good niche there is surprisingly little of, is this the first one you've made with this theme since the catgirl maid?


I think so yeah. Though I wasn't sure if the pen is magic or the paper or there's an errant fairy around messing with things or it's because she said April Fools or what. I figured they don't know so the audience doesn't have to either, it works as is =P

谷川 雄一郎

The color of the clothes Jenny wears becomes the color of her saddle, and the color of the velvet saddle becomes the color of her clothes, which is a great detail.