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Spending half the day in a horse stall in a full harness had some unexpected side effects for her. Her girlfriend looks thrilled though!

Alt colors! https://imgur.com/a/jM0fr4C (This sort of horse girl was probably my first TF crush, so I made a bunch).

(4 days late, as is tradition. 16 hours on art. So hey I'm back! We had fun on the trip. But even without trips I think I'll keep pausing patreon every other month, at least a few times; I really want the coding time on the VR thing. Also I hope everyone can view this; patreon's been blocking access for some people and patreon support's like "Yeah we know, it's a problem on our end, no idea when it'll be fixed, gl." So. Good luck folks  =/ )




Always like this TF along with Impressing the Ladies. Would love to see a follow up of that, please 🙏


shame we didn't get to see the horse breeded as well have those boobs upgraded.


Thanks for this art, it turned out amazing. I do hope there's a second part or a continuation to this because I really enjoyed it, and I want to know what happens next.


I mean the best part is over. I'd imagine the rest would be the horse exploring herself and too shocked to really do anything, the gf guiding her around and riding her, etc. It'd be hot to see but there's nothing short and sweet that'd fit well in 1-2 panels


Such a pretty horse^^


Yeah true, it will end up being something longer than what you probably wanted. However, it would be interesting and cool to see and you could have named a new title like, "just a april fools joke " or something like that, but I understand somethings are not easy or as entertaining.


Oh hey i think you made most of those first horse girl TFs that inspired this pic. UnicornDream, like 17 years ago right? Man time flies


Nifty, speaking of horses though! Is there any chance we'll see a continuation of the two guys that got turned into mares?


"And then along came a stallion..."