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What happened?? Was she trespassing them through fey territory and the fey decided she shouldn't be in a leadership role? Was it her wishing that the dogs would pay more attention to her? Was her body simply overwhelmed by the sheer good boy energy as it was pulled through? 

At the moment she has no idea- All she knows is that she's suddenly on the other end of the leash and her dogs are eyeing her like she's a particularly juicy treat.

(18 hours. I've got some follow-ups for this if people like it; Probably no explicit sex though. So yeah I'll be pausing patreon again (I'll announce it later), just trying to decide what the last picture before the break should be... The next Milked page won't have a lot of TF, see... Maybe an anthro TGTF...)




She IS a particularly juicy treat. Thanks!

Tony V

Follow up please!




18 hours on this? Hmm


That's kinda rude. There was a lot of fiddling on this pic.


And what a good girl she has become.


I don't think you understand just how much time and effort things like line adjustment and shading take. Not even mentioning entire redraws of the scene.


Drawing a picture with two figures in it can be tricky when it comes to representing perspective and the relationships between the figures. This has ten figures. Not easy.


Looks great! She looks super cute, and I love stuff like this

Wilson Bennett

I like this and I want to see those follow ups


Thanks. Got some "cute" ideas for her and maybe some friends =p

Bimbo Cow

Now her and the girl from Pets Wait Here can have playdates at the dog park!


I like the color scheme and final design on this one. Would love to see one more Milked page though to follow that last panel 💯


The next milked page will be mostly post TF stuff while I set up the cow girl, so since I only have a few days free before my trip I figure I'll go for something with more TF in it


Oh and thanks, I fiddled with the color scheme and her design quite a bit


I will always be an advocate for more TGTF. Still waiting on some of those old unfinished pay comics that were posted in April of last year…


As am i, but I've been waiting years on those and already have 2 large ongoing patreon comics, so I'm gonna keep those waiting for now

Kris P. Kreme

I'd be up for seeing more of this one, nice work as always! Thanks for sharing it with us


Follow up were we get to see her in her current form get bred.