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She'd laughed off the warning about the 'cursed' side of the lake, figuring it'd make for some exciting forbidden skinny dipping. It would have gone fine too, if she'd been looking where she was going and hadn't stepped on a fox's tail. 

A quick nip and to her horror, she sees her body rapidly taking on the shape of a woodland critter, before finding her tiny paws unsuited for standing and falling the half a foot to the ground. Unable to speak and only a foot tall, the cursed forest suddenly looks a whole lot bigger and scarier... And that fox she stepped on a whole lot cuter.

A dozen or so alt colors and scenarios over here https://imgur.com/a/IkGMnGA

(32 hours. You have Any Weir's Hail Mary to thank for this; I should have been scripting another Milked page, but the last part of the audiobook was so good that I decided to do a little mindless doodling while I finished it. Low and behold, a cute fox girl plopping to the ground and deserving of a sequence! (Vaguely inspired by this Edmol TF from 14 years ago, tho now that I look it's a lot younger than I remember >__>  ). Anyway I recommend this book, it's super hard sci fi and I was like vibrating with excitement for half of it; this is the guy who wrote The Martian. Avoid spoilers!!)

(The background painting was 7 hours of that btw, and the alts another 2-4 hours. Not sure if the background makes it any hotter, so backgrounds will remain rare.)




Love it! Also was sucked into the Hail Mary audiobook as well. Great story and narrator!


The “statue” alts look especially convincing skipping over the top right step. Another great one!


I mean, I appreciate the background. It adds to the “story” when there’s no dialogue.


Looks great! My favorites are the darker skinned and white wolf alts

Fixy Clary

Love it! And Edmol is a name I haven't heard in YEARS.