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Pages 31+ over here (Patreon stopped allowing posts over 30 images in August 2022.)

P30: Is it hot in here or is it just that fur? (Fur alts!https://imgur.com/a/UeRlvhb I might tweak their look later.) (53 hours, will have to dial it way back on the next one. Also yeah I made their necks skinnier, sue me I like the horse girl look =P  This just means they get to fatten up into proper cows later.)

P29: All he can do is watch helplessly as it all happens again... (43 hours. Enjoy Milked in ultra wide =P )

P28: Role Reversal  (35 hours. More of a plot page so I left some panels unshaded- Though I do like this kind of touchy stuff. Ok one more page before the month resets...) EDIT: Oh also that's 1 year of Milked. Longest "5 page quickie" ever lol

Edit: Wait I forgot something important! There.
P27: To think, all he was trying to do was help her to stop mooing... Now look at him. Just a cow. (Imgur mirror/alt here.) (34 hours. Gotta squeeze one or two more pics into this short month...) 

P26: T- Tits! Probably the least of his concerns really... (47 hours, whups. Need to dial it back the panels again. So that's 26 pages! If you assume like a week per page, Milked is now almost half a year's worth of patreon content. Whew. Hope everyone's still liking it, we're nearing the end.)

P25: She knows all the right spots to make a cow girl weak. He didn't stand a chance. (32 hours. Imgur mirror because it's right at the end of the month, mb https://imgur.com/a/2yAJhxm )

P24: He let his guard down for just a few moments, just to catch his breath and enjoy a little post orgasm bliss... And now he's stuck walking around with his pussy up higher than his head.  (27 hours. Much speedier page even with all the redos, and I like the less crowded layout.)

P23: If you get your cow girls hot enough the milk comes out pasteurized. (47 hours. Alright this is getting a bit ridiculous, I'm gonna cut back on the panels next page. Also I've been contacting voice actresses on this but nothing's ready yet. Happy holidays!)

P22: Little sis. (The tables have turned. Must be strange to be looking up at her now. 35 hours. It was hard to plan this one out, but I think it pays off his change well. 5 days behind schedule, hope I can avoid pausing.)

P21: My Hero!  (The winner of no nut november. 29 hours. Kinda been a slow month for posts so I've got a quickie sequence lined up next, then more Milked.)

P20: Never lost a cow. (33.5 hours. Just made it! Here's a mirror for everyone who left. No Halloween post, but these two seem in for enough horror to cover it.)

P19: Safety first! (25 hours, here's a timelapse of the process since someone was curious. Well, seems even in the future we're getting screwed by corporate corner cutting. Maybe a bit literally...)

P18: *Gasp* We're going to work! Oh boy oh boy I can't wait to get milked and give back to the humans who take care of me! 

(26 hours. Aaand we're back, thanks to everyone for sticking around for the month off! I was pretty worried about it, but in the end less people quit than on a normal month even. (I'm tempted to keep coding but let's get some art done first.)) (Also the blue background doesn't mean anything, I just thought it looked nice. And I forgot to not color every panel again.)

P17: Jumping to conclusions. (Not to worry, the characters in these sort of stories always seem to know exactly what's causing the TF! I'm sure whatever he's planning couldn't possibly make things worse.) (17 hours, a quickie. Accidentally did flat colors for the top row instead of white panels, but it's kinda nice huh?)

P16: Pet cow. (32 hours. Her body might have escaped the night unscathed, but her mind sure didn't. A little hypnosis and a lot of stimulation and you get... Something adorable.) 

P15: "Who knew a cow tail could be so kinky, she is just... Ho-lee fuck she is naked on the front lawn."

(And then he locked them both out by accident. Whups! 29 hours. Hope the TF reversal doesn't turn people off- She is Definitely not escaping unscathed. Seems her mind is much the worse for wear after giving into her hypnosis so much...)

P??: Haaang on a minute...

P13: And they all lived happily ever after. (14 hours.  Aw how nice, everything worked out. Why, she can't even remember what she was so worried about...)

P12: And the cow was over the moon. (33 hours. "Fine I'll add some sex to the comic... But only 3 panels! No more!" -Me, 2 months and 5 sex pages ago. Whups.)

P11: All fours from now on. (43 hours. Sorry about wait, we couldn't decide which panels to color so I had to color them all. You know how it is)

P10: Nice try. (23 hours, I think clip studio sped it up)

P9: Her hidden nature. (All those hours in front of a cow calming screen while having her nipples played with seems to have left her with a big, milky thirst!)

(28.5 hours. Half way through I switched the main coloring to clip studio instead of photoshop, to avoid its awful lag. It's mostly a big improvement).

P8: Residual cow hypnosis. (Furry alt here, but I think keeping her bare is hotter.)

 (36 hours. Hey remember how page 1 only took 11 hours? Think I'll dial it back a bit, 26 panels is a bit much. Also you can thank Photoshop's Distort menu for the swirly mind screw backgrounds =3   )

P7: Exposed. (Old sketch post. You know if you think of this page like it's a post TG, it's really hot.)

(30 hours, though 3 were planning. So damn, that is a lot of new patrons! Seems like people really like this cow TF eh? So tell ya what, we're going to take our time with the next few pages and do the sex scenes justice. Don't worry if you're only here for TF, I've got it covered =3 )

P6: Cow wranglin'. (Only 18 hours, I'm saving up color panels for the next 2 pages. They'll each be a bit of a wait, but hopefully worth it =P )

P5: That uncomfortable feeling of deja vu. (24 hours)

P4: Not her face! Things just got serious. (20 panels, almost 20 hours, 10.5 for lines.)

P3: MoOoOoOo! Ohhh no, she has made a mistake... (20 hours, 9 for coloring. The uncolored original post from 2 days ago is here)

P2: Temptation. This seems like a perfectly reasoned decision. What could go wrong! (14 hours)

EDIT: NRN suggested making GIFs, here you go: https://imgur.com/a/2SQNCHA

P1: I'm sure that swelling is completely natural. Nothing to worry about! 

(10.5 hours, including planning. I'm trying to mix my styles together, so that I can do more panels but keep the best parts in high quality. Here's hoping it's appealing!) 

(Also this is a rework of the comic plan at the start of the discord Trove; I figured it could use more space to breath, more pages.)



Wilson Phant

Love the nullification portion. Would love to see some guy get stuck like that


You’re finally gonna do a cow tf! I’m so excited to see how this ties out.

Doc Byron

Quite excited for this.

Anime Guy

Oh my! Well this will be interesting.


Awesome, as always


Well, this is sexy already


I love it


I hope there is a follow up with her new udders after she's done milking

Mad Owl

Looks great with the style blend, honestly would be totally cool to keep it this way, i always appreciated the hand drawn feel of your stuff, and this takes it back a bit, while retaining the skill youve develeoped with time.

Mad Owl

Also, been waiting for you to do this type of tf. Color me excited!


I'm loving every bit of this comic so far. It's amazingly hot that her own hubris is going to get her in trouble, when she could have stopped right here and been perfectly happy with the changes. The juxtaposition of her going "How am I going to explain this?" to "I'm sexy and I KNOW it!" is too good. Pride comes before the fall ;)

Wilson Bennett

If only she could exercise self control. Oh well *shrugs*


love it, hope she keeps those big milky tits and upgrades with some cowgirl sex


Oooofftt good going I need more


Ooooh, yesyesyes, this is getting even hotter!


Can't wait to see the rest.

Bimbo Cow

This is my new favorite of yours!


oh my god this is amazing; your best since the secretary bunny tf! looking forward to seeing the rest of the tf!


I like the drawings much better when they are with color instead of the rose color stuff, its way easier to see detail and difference.


I really like cow tf so I'm happy you finally did one.


I'm gonna keep it half and half for now, color panels take about twice as long


This is probably my favorite sequence I’ve seen by you, this is amazing!


Looking awesome!!


Are you still planning on only doing 5 pages?


This is fucking amazing, keep it up!


This gets better and better. <3

Wilson Bennett

Too late, oh well this is fun to watch

Sebastian Weinberg

Daaaaang! This series is the friggin' BEST!

Arthur Horienk

Guess she should have found a way to get the pump to her room. ^^


Keep going, I love this story 👌🏻

Axel Cruz

I freaking adore this, literally became a patron after seeing part one of this XD

Jesse Raines

Really hope this one continues love a gOOOOOOd cow tf XD

Mad Owl

I love how you always say how much time it took. Like "hey, its not just talent or skill. This comes from time and effort. "


Thanks, yeah posting how long these take has been a little controversial, but I think it's valuable. Like 1), Drawing always takes time and effort even when you're experienced, expect this if you're just starting out, and 2), here's how much of my time each patreon post takes, so you can see Why I make the content choices I do; Sure animations or painted pinups are neat, but I could do 40 comic panels in that time. (Plus it's neat to see the drawing time decrease as my style simplified over the past year)


Easy grow into a full comic. Goes home, eats veggies, weird dreams, altered proclivities, drools randomly, etc! Its too bad there's not an army of you :)


Daaaamn where do I even start with this one? The crouched dazed look in panel 2 is great, all of these faces add a lot of variety, the squash and stretch as she tries to pull things back into place, all culminating in that 10/10 ass shot. She's got more than one cowboy looking out for her, apparently :P

Wilson Bennett

Wow, I didn't expect her to get free yet, I'm loving this sequence and I'm wondering when and how she's going to get her hooves. With any luck that's a bull and not a man calling to her.


Time and poor impulse control. And bulls can wait, she's not quite ready for them yet =]

Jack Pym

I'm sure after a few more changes(for example hooves and udder;) ) ...she will surely enjoy such a life ...As a happy cow that gives milk ...


Just wonderful


this sequence is just fantastic! every page adds more faces, poses and angles that are just incredible. easily one of my favorite sequences, not just from you, but in general. I really enjoy her cute, noseless face in page 3 to contrast with the cow nose she gets after. I love how she still looks really cute and sexy even with the cow features. Really just nailing every part of this, looking forward to the rest!


i do hope there is more to come....


Any idea on how many pages we’re looking at total for this one? I’m holding off saving it to my personal folder until it’s complete, but it’s getting hard to resist XD


Well I'd originally planned 5 pages but then it blew up like bad juju. Maybe 11? Idk


Will we be seeing any WG in this sequence? I know that it isn't something you usually do, but most of the cow tf's I've seen elsewhere include a little here and there.


tiny bit of pudge that turns into her udder, but that's about it


It would be Nice if she gain more weight like around the belly


Spoilers, She'll get a little pudge just before the udder. A little

Axel Cruz

"Is something hitting my leg?" XD I adore this sequence so far, and seeing the other comments, can't wait to see more~ 👀💦

Bryan M

Omg Loove this comic <3 She looks so amazing by page 4


Since it's going to be a while before the next two pages come out, could you do what you did for P3 and post the uncolored version first and the colored version later? Or would that be too much of a hassle? If so I'll understand.


I could def do that. I try to avoid spamming, but here it fits

Anime Guy

That dern tail has a mind of its own. Her expressions are so cute though.


Great series.


Is the next upload going to be the next WIP or this page colored?


“If you think of this like a post-TG...” So... like every ero thing I ever find? XD

Shifty Imp

"You know if you think of this page like it's a post TG, it's really hot." Unless TG is someone's number one turn-off, so I appreciate the well meant advice but will refrain from doing so. 😂

Axel Cruz

This comic is so freaking good, I adore it to bits and can't wait to see where it leads~


It's sort of becoming the new bad juju in that way. Especially since it just passed bad juju in likes, at 192. (But this one's not going anywhere near as long, thankfully)


POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT! If I had to guess, she's going to be all pent up from trying to get with the cowboy, but something goes wrong and she goes looking for other ways of, "Release," when she passes a barn or something with bulls in it. She finds herself attracted to them for some mysterious reason, and when she goes to get it on with one, she either willing submits to more tf, or the machine from earlier starts changing her during it and finishes post-climax.


nah. (ACTUAL SPOILER ALERT) The sex starts getting weird with all her animal parts being played with, she starts having flashes of seeing herself as a cow, from the hypnosis twisting her mind. She winds up imagining them both TFing into cows, finishing their TF on their final climax. She's stuck in her cow fantasy until the next morning. Then later the actual TF progresses, but differently. It's hard to explain briefly, the sex script is 5-6 pages long. Ought to be hot tho


Each time it gets better and better


Hoping she gets bigger. Lol


I'm definitely looking forward to the next few pages, and the colored panels this time around really pop out and add a lot to the rising desire she's probably feeling. Especially love the panel by the doorway and the lighting there, even if it took a bit longer it really stands out :)

That Guy

Fine lookin' face, huh?


ngl, this is hotter than succplant by 7x. Probably because its 7x more frames and steps and thought processes xD

Jack Pym

I love this series ...I'm looking forward to the next page ;)


Wait, why does she get her hands back in panel 19?


Holy fuck my dude, this might be some of your hottest stuff to date, Spectacular work.

Axel Cruz

Holy shit, this is such a good page, wtf! With their hands changing to hooves as it's suggested and everything, love it~


I would agree on keeping her bare, more of a Hucow than a full anthro reminds her of what she was.

Wilson Bennett

There's the hooves! Now where's the udder, or even the extra sets of breasts


I love this so much


She appears to be able to milk as well of bring milked!


Definitely one of the best sequences you ever did. <3


Its a really nice fucking change of pace for a porn artist to not only rarely draw dicks, but to also draw them like normal, and not like some enormous throbbing veiny disgusting mess. This is like, tasteful dickery.


Yeah i never got that. Or the fat bastard trope. Just draw normal dudes, maybe make then tall and buff to make the girl seem more feminine, why get weird with it


love the sequence. Would love more like it

Axel Cruz

I love the idea that their muzzle grows to start sucking~

Axel Cruz

This is so awesome, looking forward to seeing if she gets a real udder and becomes a proper cow x3

Wilson Bennett

I find it funny that she still has human feet


When you just thought that this comic can't get any better you come around and release this. Definitely one of your best works. <3


Thanks, it took a lot of rewriting to try and keep the sex scenes interesting from a TF perspective. Petplay, hypno suggestions, teasing and of course the gradual TF seem to be doing it.


I agree with everyone else - one of your best! Hoping we get to see an udder make an appearance too...


Is the story done or will there be more panels coming?

Emmitt Cleveland

I like the blink and you’ll miss is worldbuilding where the man reveals that the body mods our girl has are common enough to not be surprised by them. Getting a body mod must like getting tattoo over there.


Thanks. We agonized over that, went over several different ways. Does he not see them in the dark? Does she say they're birth marks? Does she tell the truth? And so on. Pretty happy with the final idea

Axel Cruz

I love this new page, it's so good!!

Wilson Bennett

was wondering when the next set of tits would come in, very nice


absolutely loving this


Fans of this series should consider checking out Quixerotic's patreon page. They have a cow transformation erotica series that's almost wrapped.


https://www.quixerotic.com/crimson-milk-home this is a story with no pictures? Looks very long, any highlights or hot themes to point out?

Ashley Rain

Massively looking forward to seeing this continued and completed.


Yes turn itno a cow UwU


Yes, more feral! 😼

Swifty D

Aww, no more chest boobies 😞 she looked really hot for the one panel where she was super curvy and on all fours

Jack Pym

Oh my ... she looks gorgeous 😍 I look forward to the next part 😊


this could be the best ever sequence


Omg what a tease at the end! :D

Devin Hallsworth

You sir are a beast, fuck I wish I had your work ethic


Thanks. Tho, this is my job at this point so I feel like I should give it a good amount of hours

Angry Nerd Bird

This has been a delight from the very beginning. ❤


these need to be printed and bound, so the whole transformation can be admired from beginning to ?end? (a little troublesome to read on mobile)


so some relative can find it at my apartment? I'm good lol. But maybe some sort of download or web album when it's done, since patreon's laggy


i like the idea of a web album, or download. What else is in store for your little cowgirl?


just keeps getting better, and better


Saw this on DA and signed up for patreon just for your content. Outstanding stuff all around. Hope this series has a looong future ;)


Definitely looking forward to seeing more like this! My absolute favorite of your work.


I think its really cool she got a second pair of boobs but it makes me really sad they became an udder...


she is going way too feral at this point


I wish there was an alternate version were she kept her 2 pairs of boobs and didn't become flat chested, I don't mind an udder overall but the obtaining hooves for hands and being locked to all fours is too much and the losing her boobs too.

Ben A.

This is amazing I can’t wait till this is finished


Not sure about the dialogue here on page 12 but I'm dead tired. Idk might edit it later


I absolutely love how this is progressing


Such a good direction for this story. Even if she's imagining (most of) this, it goes to show how deep in it she is. I shudder to think of exactly what will happen when she inevitably goes back to that milking machine >:D


My heart started pumping when I got this new page notification. Amazing as always 💯

Wilson Bennett

So he's a bull now, guess it was contagious


I hope you do some more of this some time its really great 🥵😍

Jack Pym

Great page ... I'm looking forward to the next one ... my day is better thanks to you 😍


well oters seem optomistic but this s a pretty good conclude to this story


As far as I am concerned I am fine with the comic as is. Don't and any more sex on my behalf.

Axel Cruz

This is so brilliant!!!


While you may have done more sex pages than anticipated, I still think they are handled really well. The exact reason I just cant enjoy regular porn is all of the fucking nastiness, I dont want to see some guys enormous throbbing dick. I dont want to see cum exploding everywhere. This is done tastefully, minimally, where you still get the definite undertone of sex, but continue to predominately focus on the woman enjoying it, and the weird kinky bullshit going on. You manage to capture all the sensualness and intimacy from sex, without all of the gross shit that is only really enjoyable in person yourself. But also without hitting the other extreme and going straight into ahego, which also tends to be weird, focusing way to much on the woman, and completely ignoring the guy, cutting away all sense of intimacy's. Its almost like an erotic novel in a way, using foreplay and letting the imagination fill in the gaps, without all of the other junk that gets in the way. (Pun intended)


Looking awesome, hope to see more comics similars to this one in the future


Thanks, that's what I was going for. I Am in it to focus on the woman, but you kinda need to see him a bit to to show what she's getting right? I do prefer the intimate stuff over straight up hardcore. And yeah I've been watching more vanilla VR porn the last few years and it's kinda overly nasty. Like Why are you spitting on the dick! This is totally unnecessary, who is this for?? Things should be wet enough >__>


hm well Milked just brought this patreon over $10k per month so... Yes, yes I think I might milk the themes here just a bit in the future =P


Quite surprised there's so much talk about the sex here. I think you handled everything very well, including the sex scenes. Would be pretty much a missed opportunity if she turns into a super lusty cow but then doesn't get her fill. Love this comic so much. Really love that you kept her skin bare. :3


thanks, we debated some fur types but in retrospect this is a much better choice. Especially considering what'll happen later...


Nice ending, Good job bruv,


Is this the end of our cowgirl or will there be more still to come? I've loved everything about this comic so far, amazing work as always!


She's going to wake up hooked right back up to the milking machine again, isn't she?

Axel Cruz

A fantastic way to end, what an amazing comic!! 😍 wait a second, a lot of these comments and replies are making me think I've been fooled XD


"Something's wrong. I can feel it."


A happy ending in a bendzz comic? Waaaaay too suspicious on that front alone! Although I do love her expressions here, kind of a serene calmness to it that almost makes you think she's happy about her situation.


I don't think the story is over, check the third panel where she is standing infront of a screen that just shows spirals & cow scenes.


farmer leading her to the barn for "milking" hmmm😂 btw, what happened to her Bull? Is this a contagious form of transformation? Or was she imagining him as a bull?


I wish I could like more than once. I hope you continue in this direction!


Amazing, and would love to see more like this!


*it continues* 👀👀👀

Jack Pym

Cool you're not finished yet ... that's my favorite story 😃

Axel Cruz

Oml, you really know how to draw that udder fantastically!!!

Axel Cruz

Even so, still looks brilliant x3


The best stories is when they don't fully change they keep both minds.


Wait a sec, I know she is going to end up transforming herself more soon, but is she going to do it while still thinking she's a cow, or is she going to snap out of it and be aware of what she's doing?


Like how it's going, great job


Love the direction this panel takes, it creates more possibilities! Great work my friend, thx

Angry Nerd Bird

Wait a second. Was this all some kind of illusion/whatever, caused by that guy, and now it's failing?


Well in that it was caused by him treating her like a cow and keeping her overwhelmed with dicking, so that all the earlier cow hypnosis could really take root in her brain... sure, it was caused by the guy.


Its really interesting to see a TF unravel like this. It kind of reminds me of Disney shit, with curses and magic. Most TFs just never go back after the initial transformation, or keep transforming into anything else. Ive not seen much like this.


It will be interesting to see how it affects the hotness. Like I said, she didn't get off scott free. Not by a longshot

Swifty D

I for one like the TF reversal, because I like the desperation of turning more feral but I also think anthro is hotter, so this is kind of the best of both worlds


Having her boobs back is certainly nice. (Spoilers: There will be TF, but they won't be going away again)


Man, I don't think I've ever been so obsessed with a TF comic before. I knew the reversal was coming and yet I'm still completely enthralled. Absolutely phenomenal work!


Thanks. I haven't done many really long TFs like this before but people seem to get enthralled with them. It's interesting.


This is seriously amazing. I've never found so many interests in one place, seriously thank you @bendzz this is amazing ❤️


Thanks. This comic was only meant to be 5 pages long but we just kept thinking of hot things to shove in lol


Haha ;) I love thinking of hot things to shove in 😍 great work I have been a fan of your work for a long time. ❤️


I don't think you possibly could. I'm living enough just for this comic ❤️ but I certainly always welcome more.


Hard disagree, now we get a whole new route of transformations, it's like a two for one! I love how this was hinted at back on page 8. If you look the illusion temporarily breaks in one panel where she's desparate to get into his pants.

Bryan M

Hope she cow's herself up again <3

Ashley Rain

Bit disappointing to see things move backwards, but this opens up some potential. All depends on where it goes from here


Yeah. It's a new thing for me. I've got some hot stuff planned tho, gonna make good use of this


Love how this keeps going past the initial tf~


We just keep having more ideas to fit in. One of which is quite a big finale =]

Ashley Rain

Whoops, there goes the mind. Oh well. Good cow.

Michael Houston II

I have never been big on cow tf but dang this is sooo hot I kinda don't want it to end

Swifty D

I'm... A little confused.


look at the top left panel of page 3 with her looking at the screen

Swifty D

Ah, so everything that happened since was her being hypnotized?


Well her TFs during and after sex were in her head. He just saw a mooing half cow girl on all fours and went with it. (Who among us could say we wouldn't lol)


Loving the direction this one takes, can't wait to see how his plan works out!


Wait...will we have second tf? Daam I am now so exaited

Ashley Rain

This can only end well.


The anticipation of the next is killing me


Me too. Really behind on the start of the month here, gonna have to gun it


This comic is one of your best work yet


Still one of the hottest in-production comics I’ve had the pleasure of viewing… constantly. Sometimes all I need are the first six pages, but still damn good and sexy as all else!


I love how she turns into a cow while with him - that her horniness continues her transformation. And how sweet he is with her, especially when he asks if she wants to be a good cow for him. Swoon.

Toon Boy

I became a patreon for this comic alone. Was not disappointed lol


Yeah not a fan of characters being assholes myself, kind of a turnoff. Let's keep this unwholesome TF wholesome now =P


Nice to have a notification from you, welcome back!


I have to say I really like slutty cowgirl her quite a lot especially with the most recent page. I hope we get to see some more sex with her especially a creampie.


There will be more sex but she won't look like that. But I do like this half dressed anthro look, I'll have to use it in other projects.


Really adore the direction this comic is going, and I can't wait to see the next few pages! While we're heading for the inevitable climax, it's going to be amazing to see what becomes of our cowgirl now that she's back in the milking machine.


Welcome back


Hope you’re doing good after your break! Love the work as always!


Thx. Still only half unpacked but i got a lot of tf game coding done =]


Man that last panel has got me excited to see what comes next :) Excellent job as always!!


I am so curious what comes next. This story is amazing. ^^


It's just incredible and it keeps on going without getting boring or stale. Awesome work! <3


Wish more tf artist were as devoted to a long story like this and “bad ju ju” id like to see her fully tf’ed to an animal more realistic in proportion but with your sexy twist.


Starting to get interesting, can't wait to see where it goes


Damnn that last panel was very interesting and promising for this ending! Also i like that you added some lore behind how the milking machine is turning her into a cow! Futhermore, that last sentence of dialogue is very intriguing. Does he mean that perhaps she is not the only one who got caught in it? Btw I love your work!


do you have a digital book, up, as of yet?


I have 7 becumming pay comics up but no patreon packages. You get all the patreon stuff for $5 so that seems like the best deal


just asking, I remember there was scuttle in the discord chat, about maybe a digital book, or compilation


Oh no, plot twist! I am looking forward to seeing more of her change, but at the same time... looks like we may have another cow on our hands lol


Oooh noooo how unfortunate. <3 This comic keeps on giving.


“If it don’t make milk we’ll make it make milk?”


“Slap some udders on it and go to town”’ this is why I drink oat milk 😑


Eating oats, sounds like you might be next in line for an udder

Emmitt Cleveland

Now it’s his turn. Just how many pages will this series be!?


I didn't have a chance to comment on the earlier pages, but a couple pages ago I had the thought "Man I hope at least one of the dudes gets caught in the machine". So I'm super excited about that last panel now!


This is the best series.


People kept floating the idea and eventually I was like "Know what, a cow TG would be pretty hot"


No idea. I'd planned for 5 pages but seem to have overshot a little

Angry Nerd Bird

Oh shit, is this about to go full TFTG? owo


Oh damn, we getting into some gender-bender, cool stuff


Question: Why doesn't your art show up on the main page? The one that says, "Post from my creators"?


Those Cow Robots do NOT mess around!


How come she can stand up?


YEESSSSSSSS let the transformation begin. hehehe


I hope he gets even smaller >:3


Sudden gender bender always good

Toon Boy

Wait WAIT what?? Gender bending? Lol like now I have to see more. Damn this comic is getting weirdly interesting but I can’t guess what’s happening anymore

Toon Boy

I’m probably gonna guess that he is also gonna turn into a cow, which I’m down for haha


Yesssss, loving this development! :D


I like the implication of weird shaped cows. Like this whole farm is just tf'd people


Mmmmm looking forward to seeing them cow up for good


You made sure he definitely can't nut this november. Love it. <3


Just when I thought this comic couldn’t get any better!


*chefs kiss*


Well worth the wait on this one, I can’t wait to see what they discover next with each other!!

Toon Boy

The hype for the next pages is just as huge as No Way Home lol


The Chicago Bulls?


I hope the new girl gets a nice set of boobs herself, its a bit odd not to have them but have the udder

Emmitt Cleveland

I kind of wish this was individual pages instead of one constantly updated page, easier to get to the new pages and comments. Though seeing 300+ likes and comments is cool too.


The best Christmas gift is a Bendzz notification. Merry Christmas!

Toon Boy

lol thank you for the early Christmas gift Bendzz ;)

Ashley Rain

I see some identity and mind breaking in her future.


I almost can't wait to see him... her... grow massive chest udders <3 This is also probably some of the best fap material from a looooooong ways off for our fetishes.

Emily Wells

Oooooo I he now she becomes more cow like too!! Ie ears and snoot :3!!!!


I can’t wait to see our blonde cow land on all fours! Loving the direction as always!

Toon Boy

My only complaint is I wish she/he had longer hair now. Other than this is still one of the best cow TF stories out there

Ashley Rain

I assume he, now she, is going to eventually get the same cow mind breaking that she did. And I am all for that.


I really liked the pregnancy aspect of the reindeer tf. Will there be any pregnancy aspect in this comic?

Toon Boy

I don’t know if I’m asking for spoilers here but is the original girl turning back into a regular human ?


I really wish I could like the comic more than once, because every page ends up being better than the last :D Looking forward to the next few pages, where she gets her just desserts for treating him like a squirmy little cowgirl~


You said physically she’s not turning back into a human? But she is mentally?


She's kind of yoyoing mentally between full cow and more aware humanity. Atm she's more human so she can use her fingers. Please try to combine your comments together instead of firing 3 in one minute, and reply to the thread you're referencing.


So is original girl going to finish her transformation as well?


Definitely. There's not much i can predict beforehand in this series, but "main characters become cow girls" is a sure thing


On page 24 the machine didn’t say what it thought it was doing with the hooves.


I left that out to see how it felt as a surprise. Just imagine that he's too distracted to hear it.


On page 19 after getting her udder the og girl has spirals in her eyes. Was her hypnosis triggered by the modding?


I figured there's a hypno screen in the cow TF booth that she's looking at. Idk if I'll make that canon

James Blith

Man, going into this I wasn't expecting there to be a TG and TF element to this story at the same time. It's a good year to be a Bendzz patron. Keep up the good work!


thanks. Yeah I thought this was just gonna be a 5 page cow TF but here we are


At this point if we don't get a bunch of new breeder cows, it'll be a waste.


She's almost to the point where her "older sister" was when she was enjoying the cow life. I look forward to seeing more of these two and there bovine lives


I hate to know that the end is approaching for this series but I’m definitely excited to see the end result! By far my favorite work of any creator I’ve seen. Thanks as always Bendzz!

Angry Nerd Bird

Oh nice, new girl's got boobs too. Now all she needs is the cow face to perfect her new form. :3

Michaela Foktová

Well, now the farmer guy ended up in even a worse (more inhuman) state than the girl :D I'm curious how this will finish :)


It have to be said : Cowabunga. I love this more & more

Bimbo Cow

Our boy lookin THICC in that top middle panel <3


Such a fantastic comic. Especially like the ending.


He must be so glad to finally have his nose back, even if it's not quite the one he's used to. Really looking forward to seeing the blonde suffer the same fate! Keep up the great work, Bendzz!


What would a machine consider misbehavior in a cow??


Will their skin end up looking like cow hide aswell? Or will we just have to wait and see.


Why didn't it do the same thing to his face as it did to her face on page 4?


hope she gets the full cow treatment as well


I would like to see a cow turned into an inflatable sex doll, is just an idea ^.^!


This comic got me to support a comic for the first time. I love your art and it is worth the wait. I got to binge the first 28 pages right out the gate, which makes it easier for me to say.


Thanks. How is the comic to binge read? I've never done it


Any timeframe on when the next page comes out? Not trying to rush you.


I'm 40 hours into the next page. Maybe another couple days


Thx for the update


Love the latest update!

Michaela Foktová

Nice new panel (30) :) the left image in the second row is sooo erotic :) I almost regret that I have just 2 boobs :)


Any Info when page 31 will be online?


Thanks. More coming


Any update on when the next page is coming out


Starting to get pretty sexy, can’t wait to see how things heat up from here!


Is that the end? Even so, What a nice very long comic.


...No she's not even on all fours yet lol. Have you ever seen me post an animal girl TF where they stay upright? This isn't even the most ending-ish fake ending so far lol


I think the brown and white coloring really came out nice for him, and that sitting pose is especially cute. It's funny to think that he ended up getting fully changed before she did, guess the machine had to overcompensate for his macho energy!


He fought it harder so the machine had to put him in his place- Or, her place I spose =)


This keeps getting better and better


How is the next page comming along?

J.T. Vlogs

No yeah just cows. Definitely no one will notice that they both have a rockin' set of tits. hahaha


I figure there's lots of crazy looking cows in the field from the shoddy machinery so these 2 won't stand out a lot =P


Any timeframe on next page? Not rushing you.


Yeah I plan to start work on it soon. I'm doing the 2 month payment cycle again so there'll be at least 2 milked pages before the next charge


Great Panel & yes we NEED more ... ;)


Any similar device for rectifying "mistakes" with the bulls? If so, I think the off-panel farmhand from before needs to visit one before finding these two ladies...


its kind of funny that his ass is now the same size as hers, just goes to show how much hes changed


You want the other guy to turn into a bull? I think he'll stay un-TF'd. Could be useful for plot stuff and we've got enough TF


My girls always have some junk in the trunk, even if they didn't start as girls


Just figure these ladies could use a fella who knows their pain.


Oh well, spoilers, the bulls will be former humans so patreon doesn't get uppity when they have sex. Just not the technician


will we get a pdf of this? patreon images are incredibly slow to load when trying to read through a comic


It is pretty slow. PDFs aren't easy to update or view though. I could make an imgur gallery of all the images... Though imgur's decided to force low res images on mobile... hmm... idk


if the images are all the same then pdfs are pretty good for the viewer but I can imagine they are a ballache to update all the time. Why not do like an up to date pdf every few months or something


Maybe... I'm looking into making an AWS hosted website that checks if people are patrons before serving up the whole Milked series. Let's see how that goes first.