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Page 2: Full immersion video gaming, baby.

(We're considering turning her into an onahole on page 3, I'm just not sure it's worth it. Lemme know if you want that, or if the time should be spent on a different drawing.) (14 hours, sketchy and quick again)

Edit: Redder lips n nips on the pink kobold.

This isn't the sort of game you can easily put down... If he's not careful he'll find himself the one picked up and played with.More alt colors here https://imgur.com/a/05bulLw

Sorry for the wait. 39 hours because I also sketched a second page, which will come out in a month ish. Next up, some speedier TF pinups...




I absolutely support an onahole TF for this pink, busty shortstack.


I'd dig a onahole TF, as well as maybe a mental twist 4th where she's made someone's busty shortstack maid/slave.


A little sad this one never saw a followup or third part, that teased onahole idea sounded fun


yeah I just lost interest. Could be hot to return to some day idk


Will you be making any color alts for this sequence where the nipples and areola are a contrasting color to the rest of the boob? When I click on the image and any of its alts and view it in full resolution I can still tell that she has an outline to her areola and her nipple but because the color of them is the same as the rest of the boob they are very difficult to see. If there is an alt you've already made that has the contrast I'm talking about then fantastic I'll look for it otherwise I would appreciate at least one color alternate doing what I'm describing.

Summer Meeks

Stop hiding the magic TF links from us bendzz T_T

ButterDoe (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 05:24:50 Dat ass expansion in the first part <3
2021-02-05 18:51:09 Dat ass expansion in the first part <3

Dat ass expansion in the first part <3


Can't just give away my stash, how else am I supposed to make money!


Haha! I love the scenario! Great work as well! I know we subscribe to your content, but I just want to thank your for all the work you put in! It really brightens my day to see your posts!


Thanks. I'm always trying to find the right balance between number of posts and quality

Mad Owl

I cant wait for the second page


As someone who gets WAY to into being my in game characters I love this piece~💖

Mad Owl

Your quality is honestly leagues beyond anybody you could call 'competitors' in this particular field. Its very much appreciated. The irony is that because of that quality it always leaves us wanting more.


Thanks. Well I might have a trick to get more... we'll see


onahole Onahole ONAHOLE!!!


One hundred percent hoping for onahole ending!


If it was me I'd just beg for a collar and getting knocked up instead of a onahole hehehe 💖

Devin Hallsworth

Might be easier to do one panel of her getting spitroasted?

Val Salia

Ayyyy, really nice concept and execution here! Onahole is always a fun end state, though I'd love to see a lil' "trying to think/talk/etc as the low-INT tinylizard character he's created" interaction before then! : D

Avil Torm

Perhaps something like Val Salia suggests, and/or an ending showing the Kobold as an adventuring parties 'pet'. Walking around a campfire serving drinks, wearing a skimpy semblance of a maid outfit, and a thick 'Toy' collar around her neck.


Anything but onahole, haha


No onahole, maybe acceptance


You already know my vote's for onahole ending, though I'm into seeing her awkward journey in a few panels. Gotta love that fall into depravity! :D


that 3rd page looks really good, I'm just hoping of good shots of her boobs and pussy while she has sex, all nice and curvy.


Inanimate is always good. Mental changes as suggested also good though.


I really love the way she looks right now. So small and soft. Turning her into something else would be such a shame. And there's so much potential you could get out of a concept like this if you wanted. Many have already pointed to some cool stuff. I'd definitely love to see more of her. She could try on an adventure or just trying to fend for herself (and getting sexxed). She could be/become an adventuring party's mascot/pet. She could even just slowly turn more into a low-int sex-seeking kobold (or somehow only being forced to act like it). These are just 3 separate suggestions.


Yeah, I love it in Lusty Argonian Maid'd. The guy who does that comic is very skilled and funny.


The sudden realization and then subsequent embarrassed condition is perfect. It's why I love your works


So where do I sign up for early access?~💖


I will be looking forward to it then though I don't know how I will survive the wait~💖


You're telling me, I've been working on this almost 7 years already


Oh I remember trying that it was very bare bones at the time but looked really good~💖


Thanks. I've had to start over a few times, but I've got a vr soft body porn engine in the works unlike anything seen before. Can't wait


I’d honestly rather see her getting stuffed full of dick for a page 3 than an onahole TF; she’s perfect already

Mad Owl

I think there should def be a page 3. But not into the onahole idea. Feels like a bit of a genre leap when you could keep with the consequences of getting sucked into a game. If those dudes are mobs she has to clear. . . How about a boss battle? Or a game over screen, or a "power up" theres a lot of ideas and tropes you could play off here not sure an onahole tf fits. To be fair, i am biased against inanimate tfs.

Mad Owl

After seeing your plans on discord i do hope youll continue this one eventually


I see nothing wrong with kobold onaholes.


Sounds like something I'd be into, go for it!