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Oof, downsized before she even began... At least they have comprehensive training. And she gets to work directly under multiple high ranked employees!

Alt colors  https://imgur.com/a/Alf1jNk 

EDIT: This is new, not an old sketch.

EDIT 2: Oops, you can't edit the free release date, it just deletes. Rest assured I'll release this after the pikachu comic.


Her attire experienced some shrinkage.


Eris Brianna Caver Boyd

I've read with delight all your work since joining Patreon, with this one being the only one that gives me trouble... and it gives me a lot of it. Having women (and men) turn into animals is something I find to be, depending on the story, exciting or erotically appealing, and often a beautiful concept at times. In this story, however, a smart, independent woman is turned into a stupid, sexually submissive exploited mockery of an animal. The story is total trash in which a selfish powerful man destroys the life of an intelligent woman purely for his own pleasure ... and although I admit that misogynistic trash has its place (and is something I've even found pleasurable when I'm in the right mood), it was an unpleasant shock to find it here ... and I'm very glad this was just an experimental one-shot for you, and it didn't become the norm for your otherwise excellent art and stories. 🙂


The point of this patreon is degrading and dehumanizing TFs for a cheap thrill. This definitely counts. It's not glamorizing the change or presenting it as something positive; this is on par with getting stuck as a pet. That said, I don't like intentional TF and known TF much, kinda wrecks it. Much better if no one knows they TF'd, if they're trapped forever in plain sight. And I don't like gloating TFs. So, this sort of theme remains rare for me. Chill.

Eris Brianna Caver Boyd

I don't understand. I don't really enjoy being human, and I would jump at the chance to be turned into an animal ... and I think many of your other fans share my views. I would love to suddenly find myself living as a wild female fox in the woods, or a German Shepherd pregnant with puppies, or a champion-milker nanny goat on a dairy farm, or a bunny in a petting zoo, or a beloved pet cat, or almost any of the animals you portray women becoming in your comics. Transforming into an animal wouldn't be degrading ... it would be a beautiful change of existence. 💖


I don't think you've thought this through. Every ending on this patreon is a bad ending, and that's kind of the main point. Not terribly bad endings of course, no death or IRL horrors... More like Disney bad ends, but with nudity and kink. Getting stuck as an animal or object with no agency is not something to aspire to. And yeah some endings like Loona or the bunny girls seem pretty mild, but with context they're still all bad endings. I make sure of it.

Eris Brianna Caver Boyd

I have thought it through ... very carefully ... and I'm still confused as to why you think being permanently transformed into an animal is a bad thing in and of itself. For example, let's look at three similar ones ... Fox Bite, Fox Pounce and Fox Suit. Can you tell me please where the "cursed lake" is, so I can go there immediately and become a beautiful female fox soon to start a family in the woods with a male one ... or where I can get an animal suit that will malfunction and turn me into a real fox? Or as for another common theme ... have you got a link to where I can buy those puppy treats that I can eat to turn into a real dog ... because I want to start munching on them immediately! There are many, many transformation fans out there who would give ANYTHING to permanently transform into an animal. Why do you think I said I loved "Milked" so much? I can honestly say that if there were a place I could go where I would be turned physically and genetically in every way into a dairy cow to be released into a herd of other cows for milking and breeding without any chance of ever being returned to human ever again, I would be running to get there as fast as I could. You said "getting stuck as an animal or object with no agency is not something to aspire to" ... but I strongly disagree, because permanently getting stuck as an animal is most DEFINITELY something a great many people would aspire to, with me being one of them. Yes, some of your stories have horrible endings ... but being turned into a horse or a cat would be literally a wish come true for a great many people, many of which I'm sure read your strips and wish these endings were happening to them. So do you know where I steal some cheese from a goat farm and wind up getting permanently transformed into one of their prized champion milker goats constantly kept pregnant with kids, with nobody there knowing I was ever human? Feel free to have it happen to me, because that kind of a life would be a heavenly dream for a woman like myself. 💖


Like those whiskers, the way the pantiehoes form over the paws are cute.