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#1 TomBoy 01-03
#2 TomBoy04-06
#3 TomBoy 07-09
#4 TomBoy 010-012
#5 TomBoy 013-015
#6 TomBoy 016-018
#7 TomBoy 019-021
#8 TomBoy 022-024
#9 TomBoy 025-027
#10 TomBoy 028-030
#11 TomBoy 031-033



Cole jones

I am hoping there is some sort of twist in the end instead of just she becomes an absolute bimbo like they want. I'm mainly hoping that because their makeout session seemed to distract then from something on the computer so maybe they didn't do the last thing needed. Also great pages this week love them.


Great job! Like the fact, that she is recognize her changes and „fights“ against them.


Well, in that case your hope will not be fullfilled Cole. That is what I can say^^

Cole jones

Oh, well still excited to see more of this and I still love this comic.