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Louisa, Paris's roommate and best friend, accidentally roused Paris from bed early in the morning with her lamenting. Concerned, Paris rushes to Louisa, who's pacing half-naked in the living area, clutching three "BimboMaxx" candies and a note, lamenting about the missed spontaneous test from yesterday. As Paris reads the note Louisa hands her and hears her out, things start to click for her, based on what she learned from AmazCorp customer support the night before - two hearts beat in Louisa's chest... but read for yourselves.

This upload's also on MEGA for your download delight. Last week's version's out of style now, so that link's taking a nap. And you'll find these goodies on Discord too. Enjoy the three new pages of "The Addiction of Bimbohood!" 📚🎀



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