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Insanity! The mischievous Bimbo Genie currently consists of exactly 150 exciting pages, packed with transformations. When Tom turned into Tammy, all of Cole's former bullies not only turned into women but often into bimbos as well, everyone except Tom. To conclude the story, Tom would also need to bimbify willingly... which would represent the finale of the story... but we're not there yet, as we still have some loose ends to tie up in the comic itself.

The beginning of such an open ending is made by our dear Ambi. From a gray, unassuming wallflower, she has transformed into an exciting, hot woman who is always on the eternal hunt for fun and entertainment. However, when Ambi was with Cole the night before, she received a considerable dose of cosmic djinn magic when Jenny inadvertently unleashed it during her climax – which, as will be shown from today's upload, does not come without consequences for Ambi and her surroundings.

So, we will close the open chapter "Ambi" in "The mischievous Bimbo Genie" in the coming weeks.

Link deaktivated, not longer needed, newer version online.



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