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There you go. This isn’t so bad right? In fact, I think this might be better than ice cream. 

Written by Alodia Thaliel!  Alodia Thaliel
Edited by Rhianna!
Recorded by CardlinAudio
Graphic design by Blue! https://shyblueshadow.deviantart.com/
Effects and mastering by: Nye Quill!   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2T8in6FptoGxeJABKf4GQ 




Did we get 2 spicey audios in 1 day?

may babyyy

two spicy audios!!!?? yesss!!!


To be honest, I could go for some ice cream right now. Extra points if it’s s’mores flavored!


Coffee ice cream with Oreo chunks. My favorite!😛

michelle nieto

omg 😲 how many 😳 😊🙃


Omg we're being spoiled today!!


Back to back spice?? My heart wasn't ready!!

Allison A

Double the spice is twice as nice! 😊

Allison A

Lol the funny thing is it was raining all day today


2 spicy audios in one night, I feel SPOILED 😌. The brat in me was very entertained by this script, very well done Alodia. He said "Who wants ice cream on a rainy day?" Um sir I've gone to get ice cream in 10 degree weather, rain is nothing lol. When I want ice cream, I get it and that's on period 😤

Alexandra Perkins

Is it just me but all I could think the whole time was “ICE CREAM”.

Elwin Ailred

He had me at Poke Bowl 🥰


This is was hot and sexy. I love when two people pleasure each other. It is amazing and so euphoric.


Well...now, see...I like sex and everything, but ‘better than ice cream?’ Come on now Cardlin...I don’t care how phenomenal a chap might be in the sack...I'd still pick mint choc-chip first...😏😉


Bro the juxtaposition of Cardlin being so well spoken against him saying “illegal memes” just always makes me snort and laugh a bit. Audio was so well done!! Ty for spoiling us with 2 audios!


This whole scenerio spoke to my soul and it was weird looking outside the box like this. Now i realize how spoiled I am.

Emily Grace

ICE CREAM IS ALL YEAR LONG, popsicles are seasonal. I stand by that.

Brown Eyed Girl

don't police what someone eats.

Sydney Lewis

As someone who works in an ice cream store, I can confirm that even heavy rain can’t stop people from wanting ice cream.

Penelope Weis

What kind of torment is this. Days between ice cream? You'll get some next week? Lucky you're so distracting or a girl might start a rebellion.

Felix Albright



I’m trying to lose weight and it’s going really well, but I didn’t realise I would have to listen to 6 minutes of ice cream talk. Wish I’d have known, now it’s all I can think about. Every time I kinda get into the other part he says the word ice cream, and then I’m distracted again😅 the struggle is real...


Ice cream on a rainy day? HECK YES PLEASE! Ice cream AND snuggles? Why can't we have both?!

Hubbies Detected

Am I the only one who was convinced by the mention of illegal memes?


Can we talk about how hilarious it is that he's using his medieval prince voice to voice a modern scenario? I actually screamed when he said "illegal memes" in that tone of voice LMAO


A goat named Romelo!!

Lollagurl Y

There are so many illegal memes playlist, which one do I start with? Lmao


How about eating ice cream off of him? Ooh, yummy- even if the ice cream is melting because he is so hot!


bruh a minute in and im like ok chile anyways.... imma go get my ice cream 😂


"are my snuggles not enough for you" ding ding ding! see u l8r ❤

Geni Outis

I finally looked up what a sugar glider is. They're so cute! (Turns out it's an animal and not a type of candy like I thought when I first heard it.)


Now I REALLY want ice cream.