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Written by TheScriptCabinet!
Edited by Rhianna!
Recorded by CardlinAudio Graphic design by Blue! https://shyblueshadow.deviantart.com/ Effects and mastering by: Nye Quill! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2T8in6FptoGxeJABKf4GQ 

Find the NSFW Art HERE 




And what's hysterical is that physicians back in the Victorian era actually did this


Look up the device they used, it's even more horrifying... history lessons are so... fun *nervous laughter*

Michelle Ross

Men back then had no concept or understanding why a woman wouldn't want to have sex. They didn't have a clue about Vaginismus & their treatment actually would make it worse if not even destroy fragile tissue & nerves. Thank God women were finally allowed in medical field & could give a clue to these sex-crazed men.


I have to listen thinking of this as modern kink play because she would have been wearing a chemise under her corset, as well as drawers, not just petticoats. Velcro wasn't invented until the 40s, too. Still a fun idea ^_^ I just love fashion/history and wear corsets so I figured this might be a safe enough place I could say something.


This is so sinister, hysteria actually comes from the Greek word for uterus, it suggests that being overly emotional came from having a uterus Sorry for being historical but this is really creepy


This follows the Victorian era method of medicine ridding women of their "hysteria "....liitle did they know the pleasure it brought so many. Great use of real scenarios on this and voice is dead on!


UNF. Love that ending.


Moriah Reyes- I'm not sure about that one but men would assert their control over women if they acted out, novels like The Yellow Wallpaper and Jane Eyre describe the control men had over women's bodies at that time


Hey yall, sorry if the script made you uncomfortable. The script, from my perspective, made it clear that all three parties (the doctor, the husband, and the wife) were all on-board and understanding of the treatment and what it could entail. Let me know if it still bothers you, and I'll remove it. =]

Carol Conarroe

I can only imagine how that poor writer feels, seeing so many of you hate on a perspective like this when it’s modern kink play, and not in an actual modern medical subset space. Y’all should pay attention and chill. 😬😬


Agreed. Everyone has different kinks and sometimes others don't agree or understand them. And I agree that in the scenario it was made clear that all parties involved consented. I think it's just knowing back in that era physicians actually performed these treatments and that's what freaked people out. The scenario itself is more of a medical play but in a historical setting, at least that's what I think it is. Don't remove the audio, I think people want warning tags shown before deciding to give it a listen. I actually enjoyed the audio, it just reminded me of the historical events. But as a fantasy scenario this is appealing

Alexandra Perkins

I love Carlin’s stuff but this triggered me and made me feel sick even if it is just a role play scenario. I had to stop listening. Definitely was reminder about how far the world has come and all the opportunities I have now that women didn’t have back then. If you enjoyed this audio that’s great you have more resolve than me.

Elise Pierce

Oh thank god I wasn't the only one thinking about the fashion. I feel less like a loon now. ^^U


Updated with tags. Hope that helps! As always, let's do our best to not yuck each other's yum, lest we make our fellow Cardigans feel shame when they shouldn't have to. Let's all try and remember the wise words of Thumper the rabbit :) And if this one wasn't your cup of tea, don't worry; we do 4 a month, so you won't have to wait long for the next try.


I don't want to say anything unkind. It was well acted and other people can feel however and that's okay. For myself... no.


Not everything is my cup of tea, either, but I will echo what has been said above. This is artistic expression. For those of you who don't like this type of audio, please don't listen. Remember, if this wasn't your thing...You DO NOT have to leave a comment saying so.


Very correct! I wrote the script with historical fashion and undergarments in mind. I'm glad you caught onto that! :)


Great job @TheScriptCabinet, I really enjoyed it! It's very impressive that you were able to write something with so much historical context. I'm a sucker for stuff like that especially the fashion. Haven't quite been the same since I first put on a corset for Halloween once 😍. Anyways it was very creative and well written. Cardlin did well as always. Thank you!


Yes, please remember the writer here. They did a great job, and not all kinks or scenarios are for everyone. I’m far past the point where anyone can shame me for what gets my motor running, but there are others who are more sensitive. Please think about how they and the author feel when you’re like, "Ew." If it’s not your thing or you didn’t like it, move along. There’s no need for shame or attempting to make someone feel bad for what they like. There have been spice audios I didn’t like, and I just let them pass by without comment.

Jessica Rose

I don't think anyone was hating on the talent involved. I think people were more taken by surprise, if nothing else. Perspective is a simultaneously confusing yet powerful thing and changes our world view. For example, my perspective is completely different from the next person's but that doesn't mean I believe the writing or the acting is bad. Opinions/perspectives aren't always indicative of emotions towards the person or the piece in question. Someone above mentioned the historical accuracy of these types of events and I agree that the idea that they existed is off-putting. (Like, bruh, you want me to do what now?) I think many viewers may have gotten lost in the historical context of the audio. However, if you think about it, the writer was able to evoke such powerful emotions from the audience, whether they are considered "good" or "bad" and not many writers can cause such a response. <3 (I mean that as a good thing).


Don't remove it. This was not in anyway vulgar. This really happened to women and it shouldn't be discouraged to be heard. Cardlin you did this extremely well as did the writer. Stick with it

Mary Zechman

I don’t know why, but something about this one didn’t sit right with me. I had to stop listening about halfway through. Which is a shame because I like the other audios that you’ve done


They also did treatments in huge operating arenas, in front of many men training to become doctors. Talk about embarrassment


Very well said. :) This script follows a fantasy that is rather rare compared to what else is found online. I had a lot of fun writing this script, and I was a little scared to share it at first. I'm even more proud of it now since it's sparked these discussions. You're absolutely right. A person's critique of the work does not always portray how they feel about the writer or performer, and this fact is often forgotten. Thanks so much!

Laura Hill

I don't think it needs to be removed maybe just a trigger warning. It could bring up some bad things for some people. The audio is good but and I was able to get through it, but I felt un easy while listening.

Laura Hill

Also fun fact when trains where invented men didn't think women could ride them because at that speed they thought that's their uterus would fly out of their bodies.


Everything is a matter of taste, so whatever other think: I have to say: this is amazingly written and more amazingly voiced! <3 I really liked this kind of fantasy! Although in my head... this was more like a roleplay between husband and wife xD Like... the doctor actually WAS the husband and this was more a dom/sub playing session between lovers. Or... the doctor is really the doctor, but a close friend to the husband and her... still not a "treatment" but some love sharing <3 Well, in my head in can be :P In short: Loved it!! <3


Medical play is right up my alley, so I enjoyed this one. Not all of these audios have to end with I love yous, cuddles, and all of that sugar starring happy modern couples (although they’re still cute). The fact that this is all audio means there SHOULD be a variety of scenarios!


I highly doubt being forced to orgasm because someone thinks it'll cure you was pleasurable


Gwendolyn no, not just you I love Cardy audios but couldn't get on with this- no judgement but not a turn on for me


Unfortunately medicine back then was archaic and they really knew little about women


Medical play is my shit how dare you make me this horny sir. This is unnaceptable. Thank you💜

Trixie Hobbit

Was pleasantly surprised. I generally avoid doctor scenarios but this easily became steampunk role play in my head. Very nicely crafted.


Could we get a part 2 please?

Siney Nilsen

Hi, I don't think anyone was shitting on this. Other perspectives are valid too you know and shaming someone for interpetting something different than you isn't exactly chill. I think the misundertsanding that led to very drastic interpretations was that in the roleplay alot of people didn't see it as being clear consent was given before hand from the wife. However Cardlin said that's how it's meant. That changes things for me and alot of other people because roleplay or not genuine rape even in fantasy is very off puting espeically since it still represents a present we live in (and in this case doctors use to do this in the past which i get this audio wasn't necesarily refering too but shouldn't be brushed aside as it's a very big part of womens history that is not "sexy" and should be remembered as such) and people absoulutly then have the right to feel an ick about that. I would also like to say some people here im sure (including me) have autism and so when given something to interpret some of the little lines for example that maybe made it clear to some people and Cardlin that all parties in the audio were consenting flew over our heads. That dosen't mean people were willfully trying not to pay attention and get riled up. Thank you.

Carol Conarroe

I literally made this comment 2 years ago. I don’t care. I’ve moved on obviously. And I still feel the same way about it. It was set in MODERN DAY KINK PLAY and nothing worse other than that. I’m not saying it’s not important to acknowledge history but apparently you didn’t get the memo.