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Hey all!

We've now finished our theme month for Modular Dungeons. As one of our ongoing Patron-exclusive themes we will continue adding content to it (and in fact we already have several other sheets of rooms nearing completion which will be added over the next couple of months!) You can find the Modular Dungeons gallery post here. Note that for every image you see in the gallery, there is also a blank version available - as well as connecting corridors and corner tiles!

Next Theme

We're now looking ahead to October, which we are happy to reveal is Astral! This has been one of our most requested themes for a very long time, and the recent release of Spelljammer content felt like a great reason to finally head out to the stars. This theme will include a variety of locations set in and around the Astral sea and Wild space - as well as a few Spelljammer ships for your party to call home (or to board!)

Team MAD are hard at work, and we've included some very early WIP images of some of these maps, including the corpse of a Celestial Dragon drifting through space, an outpost built into an asteroid, and some of the components of our Spelljammer ships!

We're really looking forward to sharing these maps with you. Stay tuned!

Foundry V10 update

Thank you for your patience whilst some of our content was disrupted by module changes with Foundry v10. The majority of the disruption was caused by content using the Token Attacher module. This has now been updated to v10, and we've released updated versions of almost all modules including these infrastructure changes. 

We now have our content in a state that is once again working as intended for Foundry V10 users running the DnD5e game system. It is still possible to have our map content work with the vast majority of game systems, but users on non 5e game systems may notice some disruption at the moment with importing content. The Foundry team have advised that they are fixing this in an upcoming update to the program, and we are putting together a short guide on how you can fix this yourself in the meantime, but if you do have any problems you can always just join the Discord server and ask for help!

So exciting times ahead, both in space and for The MAD Cartographer. We hope you continue on the voyage with us!

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!

Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD



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