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Hello Beta Testers!

Whew, had to pull an all nighter to iron out the bugs on this one!  At long last here is the Beta Build for Marion's Chapter 3!

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It's our most ambitious chapter yet!  You'll notice there are quite a few placeholder sketch assets this time, because 1) we spent a lot of time sketching since this chapter has more scenes and frames than any other girl's chapter so far, and 2) we focused on finishing the many sprite alternates for Marion's new forms and outfits this month.  So if you want to avoid story spoilers until all the art is looking spiffy and colored, you may want to wait for this chapter's public release.  But if you don't mind seeing sketched assets, give it a whirl and let us know what you think!

Suggestions, general feedback, bug reports or whatever else you want to tell us are always welcome here in the comments or in Discord.  Enjoy, and thank you so much for your support!



I’m still doing my first play through but I think it’s going down her rout actually, so I may test out the bats or not lol


You guys are evil masterminds, you know that? I knew Sunday night when I went to bed and the build hadn't yet dropped (figured it had to do with spaghetti code since you were already working so hard on the sketches) that you'd release it while I was at work. And what did you do? Dropped it in the middle of the day, while I was at work. Not only that, but you delivered a chapter so very sweet, I now have type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. I'm a guy, how'd you even do that? That's not even getting into the downright EVIL cliffhanger you left us on-that can't hold a candle to any other chapter ends yet! You guys are pure EVIL! On a more serious note, this chapter was WONDERFUL. Easily your most adorably wholesome work yet; can't wait to see all those sketches fully colored and finalized! It'll be amazing! I also really like the turn you took with Marion's character development-can't be too direct here, in case some people want to read the comments without getting spoiled, but suffice to say I thought it was very well done and realistic, with all this stuff being dumped on her head, she handles it incredibly well. I really, really, REALLY liked this chapter-you've hyped me up even more! You guys seem to have caught all the bugs this time around, save a small one that I found: right after the first (only, if I'm remembering right) butterfly effect choice, after choosing the "correct" option, Marion's unsure response text isn't marked with her name, it's just left blank like it was one of Malcolm's inner thoughts. Took me a second to realize that she was talking at the time. Other than that, no bugs to report! I'll play through a few more times just to be sure, if I find any more, I'll edit them in at the bottom of this wall of text. Loved the chapter! Can't wait for the full version! Do get some rest though, all-nighters can be an absolute pain.

James Parsons

Truly an a amazing job. So far the only error I've found is in the "Scene Gallery". For some reason the "Replay TF Scene" option for Grace's Ch.2 grotto TF is not working.


Haha, the important thing is that you have fun! Just keep in mind that the new content is exclusive to the beta downloads above ^^


Oh, hey, good eye! Fixed! And thanks a lot for all the comments and compliments, it's great to hear what things worked! Was there anything you felt we could improve on? (By the way, if the cliffhanger is too much, we have our story documents up for your tier's review, with a summary of the chapter to come (and more) ^^ Major spoilers, though! <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/updated-working-22454122">https://www.patreon.com/posts/updated-working-22454122</a> )


Oops! That's one of those "fixed one bug, another bug pops up!" I changed things back, so next build it should be working again. Thanks a bunch!


Love the new chapter, pacing is excellent, story is engaging and the art is fantastic. Couldn't find any additional bugs to the ones already mentioned. Just wondering if this is it for Marion's transformation? Or is there a little but more to come, *SPOILERS* she does seem to be enjoying her body more, and accepting every change, would it be unresonable for her to want to grow full fur coverage, and shed her clothes? Or perhaps grow her udder some and join her herd in producing milk for the cheese production? I enjoyed the section asking her about her cow instincts and am just wondering there's plans to revisit that. Again, congratulations on a fantastic chapter.


Thank you so much for playing, and for the kind words! We won't give away too much here, but if you don't mind major spoilers, you'll find some answers here in the working documents :3 <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/updated-working-22454122">https://www.patreon.com/posts/updated-working-22454122</a>

Fox Face

Fantastic chapter team. I feel I should have commented this earlier, but I'm looking forward to the final chapter. What a cliffhanger to end on. Really great progression for Marion's character and loved pretty much every scene.


Awesome to hear! We'll see which chapter people vote on next-- I have a suspicion it might be Marion's Chapter 4, what with this cliffhanger :P