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Rhoswen: Add a Dog Species Romance to the Game?

  • I want to be able to romance a cat character and a dog character! 116
  • I want to be able to romance two cat characters! 27
  • 2019-01-24
  • —2019-02-06
  • 143 votes
{'title': 'Rhoswen: Add a Dog Species Romance to the Game?', 'choices': [{'text': 'I want to be able to romance a cat character and a dog character!', 'votes': 116}, {'text': 'I want to be able to romance two cat characters!', 'votes': 27}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 6, 8, 0, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 24, 2, 10, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 143}


Rhoswen the police Cait Sith was one of the original characters for the game, and there was a stretch goal to make her into a romance option, which was met in 2017.  Since then, though, we've learned that we'll have another romanceable Cait Sith in the Fae World (one of our Fae Adventurers). That would leave us with two romanceable cat characters!

This means we have an opportunity to change Rhoswen to a Cu Sith - the canine equivalent of the feline Cait Sith - thus adding another romanceable species to the game!  But we want to make sure a majority of you are on board with that decision before we do.

Again, to be clear, there will definitely be a romanceable, feline Cait Sith in the game.  This poll is just to decide whether there will be two romanceable cats, or one cat romance and one dog romance!

Here is the original feline sprite of Rhoswen, and a rough edit of what a canine sprite of Rhoswen might look like:  



Let us know your comments and questions below, and thanks in advance for your feedback!



I've gone ahead and mocked up a sketch for how the sprite for Rhoswen might look, if you'd like to take a look :B <a href="https://imgur.com/a/VJUt1um" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/VJUt1um</a>


Let the borkers in!

Lunatico Ursus

I love felines, so... Please more felines!!

Sam wolf

Needs more Bork

Liane Rabbitfangs

I voted for cat and dog romances, both. More variety is always good! ;3

Tmothy B. Ross

Can we switch the two around? I find the Officer of the law can change into cat to have good contrast.


Unfortunately since the other character has to be feline, we only have the option to modify Rhoswen :(


But there's already a dog in Jessie, why not a Bat Sith ? V:


As cool as that would be, I fear it may be asking for too big a change. Be patient-Napoleon’s said this won’t be their only TF game. Also, I feel obligated to point out that Jessie is a werewolf and, small but important distinction, wolf\=\dog.


Man I wish I were more awake when I get home from work, I want to keep going through the game so I can even meet this character! Sadly, my first play though has only just gone to the glen where we meet one of the sisters swimming for the first time so far...god I’m so behind lol


Question; what exactly is a “sith” category animal? Is that a kind of species? Only Sith I know is the one that has cookies...


Cait and Cu just mean Cat and Dog, Sith/Si/Sidhe means fae/fairy, so just just basically means Fairy Dog and Fairy Cat. Fairy/Fae being the general word associated with any magical creatures.


This character is still a bit down the road, actually, we're just planning ahead! Although you may have run across one of the cait sith characters already... :3

Rye black

Variety is the spice of life!


'Prepare' for an 'affair' full of 'flair' and 'care' of which nothing else can 'compare'. Truly it's 'unfair', romantic 'warfare'. Big cozy 'bear' to answer your 'prayer'. Rhyming with Balgair seems pretty easy to me LN :)


Oooooh Gotchya. Well that makes more sense. I knew the word Fae but didn’t know there was a whole thing for cats and dogs lol very cool!


Hmm....maybe...if they were hidden in a crowded place perhaps? I’m currently still at the loch so maybe not lol

Lunatico Ursus

entonces ¿Estos personajes tienen forma humana? ¿O lucirán siempre su forma animal?


Huh I don't even remember seeing this particular poll, I have a feeling it was for slightly higher patrons ^^ Looks like people have great ideas though! I certainly am not complaining with how they voted! Personally, I am absolutely hoping most for being able to romance Effie! I really hope she was decided on being a romance ages ago, she is beyond adorably lovely and cute! ^^


Yeah, we have a voting tier level one step above, and we make the results public once the poll is closed. This one was pretty one-sided! Don't worry, we definitely have an Effie route planned down the line :3 We think she's really cute, too! Thanks!

Brian Stuckert

Well...that kind of answers the question a little of the police anthro dog from the trailer. And from this post, seems like there is quite a few other paths, kind of spoiling us here and making it worth the money for others once the full game is released.