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Introducing Effie, one of the new characters you will meet in the upcoming game build for Chapter 1! She seems to be hiding something under that big hat...

Quick update on progress:

This is the chapter where all the major story lines branch off, so it's proving to be a lot of material! LL has written over 120 pages for it, although you will only see a fraction of that on a single play-through. It's a challenge to try to keep track of all the paths and variables, so I've taken to scribbling on scratchpads to make sure everything is flowing properly. Here's a sneak peek at Day Two (there's five days total in Chapter 1):

Our goal is to release this build once it's linked up with where the demo picks up, so there is still a chunk of work to be done! That's why we're planning to release a quick visual update to the demo to hold folks over in the meantime, which will feature some new art (sprites & scenes). Lots to look forward to this month!

As always, thank you all so much for your support, and if you have any questions feel free to hit us up in Discord, by note, or in the comments!
