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Hey guys,  I've decided to add a discord server and chat as a reward for the 10$ tier.  My goal for this server is to make it easier for me to connect with you and share ideas. We can talk about the projects that I'm currently working on, projects that you might be working on, and well, anything else really.

If you include your discord information in your profile on Patreon, you should be connected automatically.

Be aware though, that I am new to discord, so itll probably take me a bit of time to get used to how it all works. 

Also, just quick reminder, I changed the format from per video  to per month. On average I try to post 2 videos per month, I scaled the new tiers accordingly. My goal for future months though, is to do minimum 2 and maybe up to 3 or 4. So it should actually end up being less. 

Making this change allowed me to provide new perks like this one, but it also means that you need to remember to switch over!



You can set it up so different tiers have different privileges in discord, i think you can connect your server directly to patreon and itll do it for you


what is a discord server? Am I going to have to go through captcha to log in with a vpn?

Silviu T

Discord is a chat system. AFAIK there is no captcha needed to log in, but I haven't tried it through a VPN before. If you ever used IRC, it's very similar.

Silviu T

I tested discord through a VPN this afternoon and it worked without a problem. No captchas that I could see.


So, is there actually a communications difficulty to justify this? If there is one thing I don't have a shortage of it's communications networks to participate in. I mean, I don't see what use this is to someone who wants to watch chemistry videos?


I like the idea of Red Nile leaving the lab and doing on-site demonstrations . That is far more valuable to the world than another marketing network.

Silviu T

It's a chat room where people can come and talk about stuff. We had a nice discussion yesterday on NileRed's discord channel about stuff. Computers, electronics, nuclear physics, and yes even chemistry. It was really nice. Join if you want, but if you don't nobody forces you to.


Gotcha. I'm responding to this being offered as a "reward" . I'm just not a fan of "special clubs" . I liked that it was per video and he had to be accountable. He dropped a video and added a way to market to us. Typical business development, sure.


So, yeah, I opted to lower my monthly to the 2 dollar level as access to the special club was unappealing.


It was not a "typical" business development at all. I am actually losing money by making this change. For this first month at least, it looks like I'll be getting $1500-2000 less. However, I am still going to be making 2 videos, at least. The reason for the change had nothing to do with me, and it was all for the benefit of Patrons. The "per video" system didn't allow me to deliver rewards properly and it limited the type of rewards that I could offer. For example, a pledge of $5 per video could be cut off after 1 video, however other Patrons were willing to cover 2. I had no easy way to account for this, and because of this, a lot of people were getting the reward for the second video (without paying). I really didnt think that was fair to the Patrons who were actually covering both.


Discord is not a marketing network at all. It's just a place where people can chat in real-time.


I find it a bit weird to have a tier system based on the reward level. I thinking i might actually lower the discord to the $5 tier.


Sorry for the judgement . Monetize amateur science through promoting conversion of libraries to make centers in an effort to localize/personalize education.