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Zatanna/Hawkgirl project is about 70% done, closing in on finishing the foreplay scene which leads into the action scene. The project is kinda kicking my ass, but it is a great learning experience as I am developing a much needed workflow for these type of projects. Probably didn't do myself too many favors with doing a lot of little transitions that this animation will have since ironing them out isn't exactly easy, but like I said, it is a great learning experience as I do think I've improved decently animating this project already.

With that said, I'll do couple of shorter projects to break the monotony and genre so I decided to go with Baldur's Gate this time around, as obviously hinted by the pics above. On my off hours the last 2 weeks I spent time learning how to use Wrap and port characters the Rigid3D ( included the link for people interested in what I mean ) way so this will also serve as a testing ground for how well I did the job. Karlach and Shadowheart ( which I'm in the process of porting atm ) didn't need a Wrap since they were already ported, but characters like Aylin, Isobel, Minthara, Jaheira etc weren't so I tried my hand at it and got them working ( except Bae'Zel, the ears are a bit tricky to figure out ) in DAZ and ready for porting to blender, which feels pretty good since Wrap was something I wanted to learn for a good while now and I kept delaying it.

I do know Nyl released his BG models some days ago, but I prefer to have a go at these characters myself as a learning experience and to cater the body types to my liking.

Think this will be how I'll approach these projects from now on. I basically plan on porting more models overall, from Marvel, DC, Baldur's Gate, MK etc that I can basically jump around and just play with whatever shorter project to give you guys something while I work on the longer project. Since my porting workflow is pretty fast these days I can port a character pretty much in 2-3 hours and my workflow for these longer projects should be faster the more I do them. To be fair I also broke my own rule of building up to longer stuff over time to just jumping in on something over 4 min long lol, but we're getting there...

I know here we're kinda used to superhero settings by now, but I do want to dip into some other series/genres as well to spice it up some so hope you guys will enjoy some futa beef from other series as well!

Thank you very much for your support and stay safe out there!




yeah, the superhero stuff is definitely your niche. But i   also understand wanting to branch out some. looking forward to seeing what you create!


Karlach, fuck Yes! :D