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Breaking boundaries here, longest one yet and overall I'm kinda happy with it. Doing transitions is definitely much harder when you get comfortable with loops, at least it seems that way to me as the more you stick to loops, more comfortable you get and straying away from it seems like such a daunting challenge. It's still a challenge that I'll take as there is no other way of learning it other than actually doing them.

Think I'll try to stick to this type of recipe when it comes to transitions. Something 'slow' then gettting or readjusting to something more intense. Easier said than done tho as I'm finding it myself now since I started to challenge myself with transitions. Finding the right pose or rather a pose that allows transitions is hard in itself as you have to think of the camera and lighting as well when it comes to transitions. I should get better at recognizing what works and what doesn't the more I do it.

As always, thank you for the support and stay safe out there!



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