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Think I tried at least 3-4 different light setups for this animation, but I think I'm finally settling for this one. Lately I have been feeling my lighting needs more work so I've been trying to study more, but it always leaves me feeling like I'm still missing that little something that I'm not sure myself what it is no matter what I do. Maybe it's the 'artist curse' where no matter what you do it's never good enough for you, where you keep nitpicking about small details and overthinking too much, but it does feel like a strange annoying itch that I can't scratch for the life of me.

On a different note, holidays definitely got a jump on me. Didn't expect this much family/friends visiting, so working on smut has been a challenge to say the least, but thankfully that should be done for within the next few days so I can go back to the grindstone.

With all that said, happy holidays and thank you for the support as always!




Now this looks amazing! Great work


When will you be releasing new content?


Nicely done 👌🏼😁 Stay well and rested 👍🏼


thank you to you and you are right to take advantage of the holidays

Ididthis Onpulpous

I do some 3D modeling work that I sometimes make naked grown up versions of and I feel your pain.. When guests come over tabing out of Zbrush and worrying I will lose my work, but also not wanting to discuss boobies and penises... I just assume they think I was looking at porn which seems like it would require less explanation.

Ricky Java

I find lighting to be one of the most challenging aspects of 3D, so I end up overthinking it too. That said, your lighting looks great to me, Amazonium, with deep, velvety blacks, well-delineated faces and figures, and exciting specular highlights of their dripping sweat and fuck-fluids.