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Made a decision I'm not too happy about, but it's probably for the best and to keep you guys up to the current happenings on what I'm doing. The longer project will be put on hold and honestly I'm pretty sure once I pick it up, I will redo the entire thing as I'm really not happy with what I currently have, just feels I can do much better than what I did. The premise of the project I still really like and I don't mind the lighting, angles and the poses I picked, but the animation that I did is a different story.

Couple of things factor in on that decision. Number one is what I mentioned, I'm not too happy with what I have animation wise. No matter how much I went back and tweaked things, it just didn't look as good as I wanted it. Number two is time, I don't have a lot of free time due to my job so it feels like I bit way too much at once in my current point of 'nsfw career' as I feel managing my job and a full scale project like this is a tad difficult because epsecially now since I opened up a patreon, I feel I have the 'obligation' to do animations for you guys on a at least semi regular basis and with how much time this project is taking me, it's making me realise more and more just how much time consuming it is.

The last thing is models. The models I have been using to this point have been very bare bones and even the latest one I redid which was Hanako I also messed up because much to my dismay, only last week I discovered that the way I ported models has been wrong. Fairly simple thing, but I never ported my custom bodies from DAZ with shape key drivers which basically fix a lot of poses without the need to spend hours fixing the body because it just breaks and looks weird in some poses.

Which brings me to the 'new' Wonder Woman model. Since Rigid made his models available on his patreon I played around with it a bit and it just hit me how much better the rig is, especially the face rig. So I ported a body from DAZ and transfered the Wonder Woman face morph shape key to the new body from Rigid's Wonder Woman to try and do it 'right' this time. It's a pretty new way of porting to me so my workflow is all over the place and it took me quite a bit of time, but I think the end result is definitely a way better model/rig.

I think you can already see where I'm going with this. These 'new' models that I'm updating especially Wonder Woman, look fairly different to the old one, so having the first half of the animation with the old models and the other half with new will look weird to say the least because the difference is not small.

All in all, pretty disappointed with this decision, but it does feel like I had to do it for the said reasons. Not to throw a 'pity party' but I doubt many ppl were much interested in it in the first place, but still feel like I should keep some of you who were interested in it up to date to what is happening.

As always, thanks for the support and congrats to whoever made it to the end of my TED talk!



Sorry to hear things went that way, but looking forward to future stuff.


Yeah, it feels like it's all part of the journey. Sucks to fail, but how you react after that is what makes or breaks you. I really want to do it right, not half assed.


These things take time to be established, so don't beat yourself up about it. Your previous work already shows your talents, so I have no worries continuing to support you :)


No worries 😁😁, do what you need to do. If your happy with it then we will be happy 😊.

Rob Jones

Count me as 1 of the people psyched about your longer project! I'm sure once people see it, they will come around. New WW model looks beautiful so your already off to a good start! Keep it up man!


I understand that you take the time, I support you for the choices that suit you