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Dear Pink & Fluffi Patrons...

This look was the outcome of an Art-Block. Despite spending so much time on this look (which itself has minimal clothing), I feel like I somehow made every-wrong decision during the creative process. 

Thank you to Roxi for the suggestion... But I must apologise, as I completely misread your suggested outfit idea. Thinking I needed to lean more into a slutty look, when it should have been completely the opposite. :-s

As what almost always happens, now that I've finished this design, I have a much better idea of how I would actually design the look, if I was to start again. 

Lastly, Even though I was constantly second-guessing my choices throughout the process and even now I don't know how I feel about the outcome, ^_^; I do find myself really liking the 'DOLLAR' Nose & Mouth Gag! :)

KaT =(^_^)=




Here we see a sissy who once was a greedy bankster who´s telling lies to his clients to make profit. They had made an example of him, especially they modified his mouth with huge lips and tongue piercings that his lies now are nothing more than unintelligible gibberish.


well, i like it, don't get me wrong, but a rest from all the fashionable outfits is a relieve!:P


I'm pleased you like it Francesco, although I will perhaps leave the origin of such a Fluffi Fashionista's look upto the imagination. ^_^;