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Dear Pink & Fluffi Peoples

Thank you all for being so patient over the past week, When I was ill last month it meant having to put-off so many little & large day-to-day jobs and once I was feeling better I was looking at a rather large list of household tasks & work-items to work-through. 

So over the past week I've been able to finish the majority of that list, so I can once again just focus on the creations of Fluffi Fashions and I returned to drawing again last night. :)

With Lots of PiNk & FLuFFi THANK YOU'S

KaT ^_^



make sure to look after yourself too


Thank you Crimson Rose, I’m pleased to be able to say I’m doing ok, Health wise I’m pretty much back to full-health and Thanks to a week of crossing things off of my to-do list my mind feels a lot less overwhelmed and a lot lighter, which makes drawing and coming-up with idea’s much, much easier. :)