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Dear Pink & Fluffi Patrons

It's too hot for me to ramble aimlessly, so I'll move straight on to the House-Keeping. :D



To clarify, a Pledge will be made on every 4th Fluffi-Fashion Illustration posted.

(I will very likely number each illustration, so you the Patrons can all keep track). :)

The Video's will NOT count as pledge posts... ONLY THE FLUFFI FASHION ILLUSTRATIONS!


* TiERS 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 :: FULL A3 Size ILLUSTRATIONS (with Website Address)

* TiERS 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 :: ViDEO PROCESS (When applicable)

* TiERS 4 / 5 :: FULL A3 Size ILLUSTRATIONS ( *WiTHOUT* the website address).

***These Tier Structures will start from August 1st 2021.***


I've now removed the Discord Channels, I'm very sorry I wasn't able to do more with them and I would like to say a Thank You to those of you who did converse with me on Discord and provide your thoughts and feedback to help bring an extra level of pink & fluffiness to many of the images. :)


I know I have quite a mixed audience, with some of you who prefer the more bimbofied designs and others preferring the Sissified Prissiness.

If I may, I would love to gauge some of your thoughts regarding how you may be feeling (or not feeling) about the Fluffi Fashion Illustrations so far...


A Very SPECIAL THANK YOU to every Pink & Fluffi Patron who's waited so patiently for these updates... 

If anyone has any Questions about anything I've mentioned here, please do feel free to ask. :)

Please Stay Pink, Fluffi & Safe...

KaT ^_^



K@t..... My thoughts have not really changed. I truly do admire that you are following your dreams, and I do wish you all the success. I hope this takes you to new places and new heights. But this new style, just isn't for me. I have tried to study and compare what you had done with what you are doing.... And PLEASE, I'm only saying this to try to be constructively helpful.... The style, detail, and fleshing out of previous characters is more... Lifelike. Even with the extremely exaggerated and modified bodies..... They always felt more... Real. To my eyes, the current work all feels like spindly, elongated... Doll-like things. Something ok to have, but it would sit on a shelf and collect dust. Not something (if it was real, or you were in their world) you would interact with. I guess what I'm trying to say, is the other path you were on felt more accessible and able to connect to. Just my opinions. Please know I'm saying this only to offer a view from the other side. It doesn't change my true desire for you to succeed and be happy. Just a gentle tap, to say you really excell in this other area - maybe bring some of your approach/skills to your new realm, too.


In regards to female or trans illustrations, I have my personal preferences, but I would prefer to leave that up to you. I would like to think that these Fluffi Fashions are suppose to be your unbridled creativity. Draw whatever your heart's content. It's been generous of you to take "theme" suggestions but you're under no obligation to follow them, and just draw whatever your mood strikes. However if you really must know my preference, I'm not keen on the glued breast implants all the time. I wouldn't mind seeing actual breast with trans illustrations. I also wouldn't mind flat-chested with either female or trans. As for the penis, that's a little different. I personally don't think you put a lot of thought in size and shape or it's overall design. It's usually the same cylinder shape. Basically there's nothing special about it. I can little erase it from all your Fluffi Fashions in my mind and it wouldn't make much difference. Part of is that it appears to be drawn as an afterthought. Your characters are practically stick figures, so it's not like you're going to draw a fat chubby dick. It probably would look odd, but it certainly would make a impact to the overall illustration. Despite my criticism here, I would prefer you to continue to do whatever your heart's content. If you wanna make it a reoccurring theme skinny figures with glued breast and insignificant penises, then let it be. Just enjoy your work and let the chips fall where they may land. Have confidence that there are plenty of admirers of your artwork.


I definitely enjoy the Fluffi Fashion posts. I always love your dress designs and am a sucker for almost irresponsibly fluffy dresses. So I personally hope to see more. (Although I was always a fan of your posts where you showed your sketchy designs for different looks. So to me Fluffi Fashions is an upgraded version of that.)


You said "To clarify, a Pledge will be made on every 4th Fluffi-Fashion Illustration posted.". I think your selling yourself short here. People can choose to support a maximum amount of art per month. I would find it perfectly agreeable if you charge for every fluffi-fashion drawing. If you do it like you stated, and for some reason you can't make the fourth drawing, you don't get any money. In my opinion charging for every drawing would be totally exceptable.


I have always liked your work and hope you do very well following your dreams. I wasn't sure how much I would like the change in direction but so far I am finding it very fun and like the images you are producing. (I like sissy fluffyness most myself)


Hi Celtic, :) Thank you for expressing your thoughts and I do completely understand where you’re coming from. ^_^ The Doll-Like figures have admittedly been quite intentional. Creating the Dolls on the Pin-Ups were a part of the process I very much enjoyed and often those would feel like the most natural parts of the illustrations for me. But I can see why their lack of realness is unappealing for you & others. As I become more comfortable working like this I may revert to more natural proportions, but at the moment they are admittedly helping to make it possible to include/ display more elements of each particular look. There’s not really much I can say at this point to quell your concerns... As I consider my current drawing level for these fluffi illustrations to be my starting point and I would like to think (& hope) I will improve, both in technique, approach and idea’s, as I learn and become more comfortable with each aspect of these creations. Thank you again for you feedback Celtic and for being so kind and understanding (as well as the gentle tap). *BiGG HuGGz* ^_^


Much like what I said in my reply to Celtic, I appreciate your candidness STL. :) I will try to mix things up a little more with the breasts and genitals... While I can confirm that the display of genitals are Not an afterthought (as I’ve purposefully tried to include them at every opportunity), I can say that they are not the priority in these illustrations. As with the Pin-Ups there were so many times where I’d have to change an outfit or pose because the genitals needed to be on display. So with the Fluffi Fashions I’ve really wanted to try and make the overall look the priority but while still touching on the mature elements... (This was a decision I genuinely bounced back and forth on for month prior to making the decision to push forward with the Fluffi Fashions). I would like to become the go to artist/ illustrator for those who would like a Pink & Fluffi Kinky outfit designs and who don’t want those looks to be constrained by the need to hide the ‘Naughty/ Fun Parts’. ^_^ Regarding body shapes, I can genuinely understand why this may be an issue for many... As I mentioned in my reply to Celtic, I don’t know where I will go with the body proportions... For the time being they will likely be more doll-like as the longer figures currently allow me to display more of the outfits. For example, on the ‘Cupcake’ look I posted a couple of days ago, if I’d used real proportions the neckline coverings wouldn’t really be visible, nor would the top of the garters or the penis (in the sissy-sock) poking through. So there is kind of a method to the madness, but I can understand why this makes the figures less appealing, so I will try to work on this more in some way. Thank you for your Thoughts Sendahlove and for always being honest and understanding. *BiGG PiNK & FLUFFi HuGGz* :D


Thank you so, so much for saying this, Robo, I’m really happy and relieved to hear you’ve been enjoying them Robo, And it sounds like you have similar tastes to myself, as my favourite images from illustrators are almost always their super sketchy and even impressionistic designs. :D *SUPER FLUFFi HuGGz*


Thank you Eelco for your belief in the strength of my work... *BiGG HuGGz* Although for the time being I think ‘every 4th, is hopefully a comfortable amount for everyone. As presently I still consider myself a beginner to these types of illustrations, so I would not feel comfortable asking patrons & potential-patrons to make pledges per illustration. Although I should perhaps clarify that the counter wont reset at the end of the month... So if I was to post illustration ‘number 3’ on the 31st of August... The Next illustration I post in September would be counted as the 4th Illustration.


Thank you Crimson Rose, it really does please me to hear you’ve been finding this change in direction to be fun and I will try to include some more fluffiness. :D:D:D I’m happy to say I’ve also been finding this new direction to be very fun as well. :D *BiGG FLuFFiNESS HuGGz* :D


K@T, as i have said before I prefer the more kinky art you do, the raw lust of them was inspiring, so I would love to see them again. That being said as a part time artist myself you have to follow what feels good for you, forcing something will make it unpleasurable with in turn will make it drudgery. Life is short do what you want to do girl. I will continue to support you in all you different moods