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UPDATED - This was actually an update I made to the illustration a couple of weeks ago... 

I thickened the figure, cleaned up some of the line-work, played around with some of the colour tones & contrasts as well as changing the background colour to provide enough of a visual distinction between the Fluffi Fashionista and the Background. :)


Dear Pink & Fluffi Patrons...

Thank you to Carmen Ohio for the Jersey Guidette Suggestion (& all the other many Numerous Patrons who’ve requested a Jersey Guidette look over the past 4-5 years)... :D

I feel I tried to play it very safe with this look... So many Patrons have been requesting a Jersey Guidette Style-Theme for years, so I really wanted to make sure I posted something which was more familiar & grounded... 

... For that reason I tried to include Jersey Style elements like 'Extremely Tanned',  'Multiple Bra's', 'Pointed Heels', 'Hoop Earrings' & the compulsory 'Animal Prints'. ;D

Now the pressure is off, the next time I attempt a Jersey Guidette look, I will be aiming to push my comfort-zone for a much, much more over-the-top type of Jersey Guidette styled look maybe even trying to make a 'Prissy' Guidette. :D


Please Comment BELOW with a Word / Style-Theme etc, which you think could inspire the Next Pink & Fluffi Sissy or Bimbo Design...  ( It can be any word from a Toothbrush to a Kitchen Sink ).

Stay Pink, Fluffi & Safe...

KaT ^_^




Something tells me that this particular piece was a long time a'coming. And it's absolutely gorgeous


A long, long time coming Roxi, and probably one of the most (if not the most) requested style-theme which never actually won a style-theme poll. ^_^


Looks great, my only complaint is that she's too tall for a Jersey Girl, 😋 If she was shorter you probably wouldn't have cropped the hair from the top. Other than that I think you did great design-wise.


But... Jersey Sissy’s (males) can be quite tall... Checkmate me’s thinx! ;-p In all sincerity, I cannot comment on the height of Jersey Women or Men having never been there, but I will take your word on it STL... As I drew the hair I could already see the into the future and the incoming comment of the hair cropping. Lol. :-P :D:D:D

Sailor Bear Zodar

I still hold out hope to see a retro space babe (I.e. Barbarella, Lost in Space, Jetsons) inspired sissy design. It might inspire another cosplay for me😉


A Retro Space Fluffi-Fashion could definitely be very fun, :D althouh Be sure to add your style-theme and comment suggestions under my latest Fluffi-Fashion Post, Sailor Bear Zodar. :) As suggestions in these previous posts are more likely to be inadvertantly overlooked.