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Dear Pink & Fluffi Patrons...

After Yesterdays *DOLL GENDER VOTING POLL*... 127 Patrons Voted and from those 83% chose for a Female Doll to accompany the Sissy Stepford-Wife Character. :) 

I'm even pondering whether to give the Doll a Full Business Suit, to provide the doll with more of a Power-Suit Vibe... Hmmm.... Maybe even an 80's Big Shoulder Padded Blazer. ^^

I hope Everyone has a Wonderfully Pink, Fluffi, Safe & Fun Winter Holiday Weekend. :):):)

KaT ^_^



Green Sea

id say go for the blazer paired with a suit skirt but make them both out of latex


Definitely go with the 80s inspired powersuit


I have gone with a Blazer and Skirt, and I think I may well attempt to give them a Rubber/ Latex type of texture, Seamus. ^_^


I tried the super big shoulders and I couldn't quite make them look right on the Doll, but over on the Work-in-Progress Discord Channel you can see how the line-work for the Doll turned out, SAL. :)