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UPDATE:: Edited the Spelling Mistake.

Dear Pink & Fluffi Patrons...

I couldn't really come-up with a caption I was happy with, so I decided to go down a slightly different route by using Bimbo Pin-Up to create a B.A.R.B.i. University Poster instead, highlighting some of the Classes and Benefits of becoming a Bubbly Airheaded Re-Educated Bimbo Idea-LOL-ogical University Student! ;D

It was actually really fun approaching this image from more of a 'Graphical Design View-point'. I hope those of you viewing it, find it as enjoyable to read as it was to create. :D   

UP NEXT:: I will be working on the Next Part of The SUCKRETARY! :D

Please Stay Pink, Fluffi & Safe... 

K@T ^^




*giggles* Sign me up! <3 xoxoxo Love it, Miss K@T!


Silly Sissy Roro, you would first have to study at the P.R.I.S.S. Academy first... And then after 3 years of study and graduation you might then be part of the very select & special few who've shown an aptitude for Bimboness... Those lucky few will progress to the P.R.I.S.S. Academy B.A.R.B.I. class. ;)


I always love your creative use of pearcings in your pictures.


Thank you Xul, I keep trying to find new items of jewellery and girly objects to draw inspiration from. :)