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Dear Prissy Flouncy Pink & Bouncy Patrons...

Thank you ALL so much in your patience for the upcoming Bimbo Pin-Up Image...  This is the Last Work-in-Progress Post.

I'm in the very Final Stages of the image now and I'm currently applying the Hard-Edged Shadows, followed by applying the Highlights, but there's still At-least 12-20 Hours of work ahead of me, so I will be aiming to have the finished Pin-Up done before I go to bed tomorrow (Wednesday NIght UK Time). ^^

Again Thank you to Everyone for your Patience. *BiGG FluFFi HuGGz* Its almost done!

Please Stay Pink Fluffi & Safe.

K@T ^^




thanks K@t, don't push yourself too hard!


Thank you for your concern Mason, I'm doing ok, I've been working at a steady pace throughout, just trying to take a little bit better care of myself.