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Dear Prissy Flouncy Pink & Bouncy Patrons...

Work on the P.R.I.S.S. Academy College (2nd Year) Uniform Pin-Up has been continuing steadily.  :) I've spent today designing  the logo to place on the P.R.I.S.S. Academy Uniform & Bag. 

So far the design which I'm leaning towards is a little more Traditional in its logo-design than I had originally planned for the logo to be, BUT I realised while working on these designs, that the Sissy College is more of a controlled & disciplined teaching environment... While the B.A.R.B.I. University is more of a Party College (in a manner of speaking). 

In fact one of the logo's I drew today for the P.R.I.S.S. Academy (but was unsuitable) will likely become the B.A.R.B.I. University Logo (as it's looser and a bit more visually playful) and seems to work well in contrast to the potentially more traditional P.R.I.S.S. Academy Logo. Having said that there's still a few more design ideas I will be trying prior to settling on a final design. :)

Regarding the 'PrincessVille Bimbo Comic Page' which I will be working on after I finish this Pin-Up, The 'Setting-Theme' Concept which won, was *Mummy's Girl/ Aunties Girl!* 

So I'm now trying to come up with some suitable scenario idea's.

I hope you all have a lovely week. and it's back to work P.R.I.S.S. Academy Logo Design. :D:D:D

Pink & Fluffiness

K@T ^^




That was torture K@T! You talked all about logo design and you didn't show us any of the designs! But I love the K@TDöLLs™ design! Especially the tie and button up blouse. I love the hair design too, perfect! I'm little unsure whether I like the bottom of the skirt. I know it's supposed to be fluffy, but it looks more like a meatball Haha!


I'm sorry for torture SendtheLove... ^^ It's been very hot here and so I've been just drawing the designs the old fashioned traditional way, with a pencil & paper. So while I have idea's drawn, none are fully refined drawings. Those will be done once I've had a chance to scan the final design I decide upon. :) Regarding the Doll, I went with more of a traditional Blouse and Uniform, as it seemed like the right outfit to fit the Doll's Uniformed Look.

Sailor Bear Zodar

I would totally play with these dolls and sincerely wish that I could be just like them - pretty pink plastic playthings!


Admittedly, I do sometimes wish they were a Pretty Pink Doll-Line which could be displayed or played with. ^^