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Dear Prissy Flouncy Pink & Bouncy Patrons...  I hope everyone's been having a Super-Kawaii June...!!! :D:D:D 

I've been drawing this character for quite a while now, but tonight the Final Line-Work will finally be finished and I can start colouring the image. :D 

Pictured above is the original (& rather boring) purse design I decided to discard, as well as the initial Doll design. I decided to keep the dolls look, but I needed to draw it from a slightly rotated angle. ^^

I think this is one of the few occasions when the colouring stage is more of a daunting prospect than the drawing stage. As there's sooooo many little details to colour. ^^ But as far as the image (as a whole), visually so far, it's been one of my favourite characters to-date. ^^

On a personal note, Thank you to everyone who's been waiting patient for this image, the ear issue I previously mentioned has still been lingering around (despite it briefly disappearing for a couple of days after a week of medication, I thought the issue had gone, turns out it hadn't). @_@

... As I've spent the past 1-2 weeks barely able to hear out of my left ear, I'm (hopefully) returning to the Doctors tomorrow (if I can book an appointment), to find out the results of a test which was done previously. So hopefully the Doctor will be able to prescribe something stronger to cure the issue. ^_^

Pink & Fluffiness

K@T ^^




Hey, sounds like you are having fun with this project. Enjoy the coloring. Don't worry about finishing it before the month is up. Just take your time and have some fun with the details. I like what I see, and I knew you'd like this Harajuku theme. It fits your art style so well. Looking forward to seeing it all finished.

Sailor Bear Zodar

Take care of yourself, that’s most important! That said, this is looking to be truly amazing and well worth waiting for it!


I really wasn't sure how the clothing look would turn out on this image as the Japanese Harajuku genre is so wide & diverse that just choosing one clothing item is hard enough... So I think leaning into the unicorn theme has definitely helped. ^^ With the linework complete, the colouring stage is much, Much quicker. :)


Thank you Sailor Bear Zodar, I will certainly try to continue to take care of myself. :) and I'm so happy you've been enjoying the details so far. :D


Didn't realize this until I read the purse, but I love the little side aspect where the Japanese characters for "Dumb" have a very explicit "Moo" syllable on the end. :D


Thank you for highlighting that aspect Meisa. :D I genuinely didn't realise there was the emphasis on the 'Moo' Syllable on the end of 'Damu'. :D